Chapter 150

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I eventually drug myself back to the living, and threw the covers back to see what was on my bed. There was a huge wet spot around my hips, soaking my t-shirt. "Uh's not time yet. I still have 3 weeks." I muttered to myself, not wanting to believe what I knew to be true. "Colby!" I said frantically, shaking his arm. "Hhmm," he groaned, rolling over the other way. "Colby, get the fuck up! I think my water broke!" I got out of the bed, and walked to the dresser to change my clothes.  "Huh, what?!" He raised up on the bed, blinking his eyes against the small lamp light that I had switched on. "What did you say?" I rolled my eyes. "I said, I think my water just broke. That or I peed on the bed. I'm thinking that the first option is the right one. We need to go to the hospital. Get UP!" He scrambled out of the bed and grabbed his t-shirt from the night before, throwing it on over his head. "Okay, are you okay? Do you need some help with something? Are you in pain?" His hand dragged through his hair as he looked at me with panic in his eyes. I almost laughed, but I was able to hold it in. Shaking my head, I replied, "no, I'm okay. I just need you to grab the bags and load the car with everything while I change." "Okay, okay...I can do that." He looked around the room, aimlessly, like he didn't know what was going on. Colby!" I said loudly, and his eyes snapped back to mine. "Now would be good." He nodded, then looked around the room frantically again. "What are you doing?" I asked, while I stripped off the wet clothes and pulled a long t-shirt on with a roomie pair of joggers. "I don't know where my damn shoes are. I need my shoes to go in a hospital and I don't know where they are!" He was almost yelling by the time he got through with that sentence. I felt bad for him. He was freaking out worse than me. I actually felt pretty calm for now, which was weird considering that a baby was about to pop out of my most delicate area. "Baby, calm down." I replied, in a soothing voice, walking over to him and putting my arms around his neck. "We're fine. You're shoes are in the living room behind the couch, where you always leave them." He took a deep breath and dragged his hand through his hair again. "Yeah, okay, that's right. Let me get them on and then I'll take the bags to the car, and come back for you." I laughed. "I can walk Superman, but thank you." He grabbed the bags from the closet and walked out. I heard the door soon after, so I wondered if he even remembered to put his shoes on. I would have to check before we left. It would be bad if he wasn't admitted inside because of that. Actually, he would probably cause a scene. I slid my swollen feet into some flip flops, the random thought that Tara would probably give me so much shit about them, popping into my head. I laughed to myself, grabbed my phone and purse, then checked to see if Colby had his shoes. Nope, still sitting in the same place. A few minutes later, he returned and I just pointed to the shoes, then looked at his bare feet. His blue eyes were still panicked, and I could tell that he had to have ruffled his hair a few more times. One of the very few times where it wasn't perfect. We finally managed to get in the car and on the way to the hospital. "Shit!" He exclaimed, making me jump. "What?! Don't do that!" I yelled back at him. "Sorry. I forgot to tell Sam. I promised that I would tell him and I forgot." "So just call him now. Better yet, call him when we get the----OOOO," My stomach had seized, a sharp pain radiating through my lower body, into my back. Colby was flying through LA traffic, still bad at 1 AM, zipping in and out of traffic. I heard so many horns blaring as we went by. "What's wrong?!" His voice was frantic again. I breathed out slowly, like they had taught me at the Lamaze class, and shook my head. "Contraction, I think. Didn't expect it to be that strong yet. Kind of hurt." By the time we reached the hospital, I had 2 more contractions, 10 minutes apart. Colby pulled into the Emergency Center, parked in the designated area and ran to grab a wheel chair. I struggled, trying to climb my beach ball belly self out of the car, but he was back before I could. "I told you to wait!" He exclaimed. I didn't reply, because I knew he was just trying to help and that he was freaking out...but I wasn't a child. I was having a child. I could get out of the damn car. The pain was making me ill. He wheeled me inside, letting a nurse take the lead, as they handed him paper work to fill out. "I'll do this later!" He yelled back at the desk, while he followed me inside the double doors. We were taken to a nice little room, a delivery room. Thankfully, it was a single. Wasn't sure how I felt about screaming my head off and having my legs up in the air for other people to see. It was bad enough that Colby had to see me this way. "Yeah bro, it's time. No, Sam, you aren't listening! I'm at the fucking hospital! Y/N is in Labor! Get your ass down here NOW!" The nurse spoke up, realizing that Colby was on the phone. "Sir, you can't be on the phone in here. You'll have to take that into the hall." He looked at me, and I nodded. "I'm fine. Go tell our friends." I replied, smiling at him. "I'll be right back, I swear! Don't have the baby until I'm back!" I rolled my eyes as he walked out. How the hell was I suppose to control that? The nurse just giggled quietly and took all of my vitals. "First time parents?" I nodded, and almost smiled, but my body seized up with a contraction. She helped me breathe through it. "Yeah," I said, out of breath. 

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