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Andys pov

I woke up in a strangers arms. I don't know where the heck they're taking me but I'm scared. They are both alphas, the ones who stood by when all the fighting was happening. They started arguing but I couldn't hear them very well.

I guess I should explain what happened over there. Like I have said before I'm have unnatural speed, incredible strength that could defeat alphas and a very sharp nose but besides that I have the power to heal wounds. When I first discovered it I was 6 years old. I remember that I never told my father until I was ten. That's when they started to lock me up inside the castle. They made me go through intense training to perfect that skill and trained me as if I was gonna become a guard, they trained me the same way they trained an alpha. I soon realized that my father wanted me to undergo this training to send me to war and heal the wounded if a war ever broke out.

I always wondered where this power came from and if I was the only one who had it. I never really met my mother, my dad says she died because she was sick but I never believed him. This pack is often talked about, they say we are the nicest pack but little do they know that the king mistreats servants and has many MANY dark secrets ones that only I know about since I'm the next in line to become king. Or at least I was, I have no idea where I am, or where this boy is taking me but I'm scared as hell.

As my vision started to clear and I could see correctly I saw I was inside some weird place. It smells like something or rather someone died here. Are they gonna kill me? Its dark down here, I saw some people opening a cell, one which I got thrown in to. Well not thrown into the guy that was carrying me gently put me on the very dirty and uncomfortable bed. He whispered something in my ear, extremely soft so that no one could hear.

"I wont hurt you, and ill do anything to get you out of here. Even if it means making you my personal servant"

I just stayed quiet looking down trying to make it seem like he didn't say anything. He walked out and they locked the cell making sure that I wouldn't escape. I sighed and tried to communicate through my mind with Harvey but it wouldn't work. He's probably too far away. There was a cell in front of mine and there was a black haired boy inside it. He was looking at me weirdly, like he wanted to talk to me cause he felt lonely. I mean who wouldn't feel like that in this place by his smell I could tell he was an omega. I decided to talk to him through mind but I remembered that only fowlers can do that. Every pack has like a skill that only people in that pack can do, for example fowlers can communicate through the mind but of course each skill of each pack was kept a secret. 

"Hey" I whispered

"Hi, I'm sonny" he whispered back introducing himself

"Andy" I simply said

"Nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too sonny, where are we?" I asked, since he was from around here i guess he knew.

"These are the dungeons" I knew it but I still didn't know which pack this was.

"Which pack is this?"  I asked and he raised an eyebrow.

"You're not from around here?" He asked and I shook my head.

"This is the Beaumont pack" my eyes widened as fear invaded my body. "If you don't mind me asking, which pack do you belong too and why are you here?" I sighed

"I'm from the fowler pack, I accidentally crossed the border" His eyes widened when I said fowler and I could see he got angry.

"The fowlers you say?" He asked looking like he wanted to murder me. I fearfully nodded. "You bastards killed my family!!" He yelled and guards came very quickly.

"WHO THE HELL IS YELLING?!" he asked in his alpha voice, I whimpered in fear and took a few steps back. I saw as they opened sonny's cell and started to beat him up. Only because he yelled.

I laid down on the bed, and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't. I miss Harvey, I miss Mikey. I just want to go back home, but I was reckless and I got stuck here. Inside the territory of the worlds strongest pack.

There was something bothering me though, sonny said that the fowler pack killed his family. However my pack has never messed with families from other packs, well not that I know of. I have heard of some incidents that have occurred but killing someone without a valid reason? I don't understand, maybe my dad tried to keep it a secret from me, yet I'm supposed to know cause I'm gonna become king if I ever make it out of here. Which I think I wont, the alphas here are scary, and I mean scary.   Should I ask sonny? I think I should...

"Hey sonny, you said my pack killed your family right?"

"Yeah..." He said softly, I think he was crying.

"Well, can you tell me why?" I whispered

"You should know! You're a fowler!" He whispered loudly and I shook my head.

"I don't know... My pack doesn't tell me these things"

"Well, I don't know either. All I know is that your pack killed them" I sighed, what could have happened? I'm just so horribly confused. Again I tried to contact someone through my mind but it was useless. They are too far away, I think I can only contact someone if they cross this border, then they'll be close enough but after the crushing defeat they had today I doubt they'll come. Suddenly I caught a scent, the same alpha that told me he would get me out of here.

"Andrew fowler, I need you to come with me"

I Thought He Was My Enemy\\ Randy\\ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now