T W E N T Y ~ S E V E N

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Ryes pov

"Then you will tell us how to make it" Robbie told her

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry but I cant, he has my kids... He told me he would kill them!" She yelled and the doors flew open. James and three other guards walked in with sonny.

"Here he is your majesty" James said bowing

"Robertson... You will be locked away in the dungeons for a very long time for this but first you will tell us how to make an antidote." My dad was so calm about the whole situation that it actually pissed me of.

"How would you feel... If someone tried to kill someone in your family? Oh wait- they already got killed"

"Ryan!!" Robbie yelled and i just laughed.

"You have no idea what it feels like!!" Robertson told me almost crying

"You idiot... My mother was killed by the same man that killed your family!" I stated and he looked up surprised.

"He'll kill me if I save you" he said softly looking down

"He wont kill you because you'll be locked up here! Now tell us how to save my brother!" Sonny looked up and nodded.

Andy's pov

I laid down on my bed when I felt the familiar tiredness come unexpectedly. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep showing up in the same place as always and my dear mother waiting for me but this time not with a smile but with a worried look on her face

"Andy... He drank the poison last night" she said and my eyes filled with tears. Then she did this thing with her hands and like a portal opened. I could see everything that was happening in that interrogation room. The way he yelled at Marissa was really scary but the words he said really shocked me.

'calm down? Calm down?!! I promised him.... I PROMISED HIM I WOULDN'T DIE!" I smiled at that but i was still worrying to death about him. I know that if he dies ill make sure that who was responsible doesn't live either.

Eventually Robertson agreed on giving him an antidote and I was so happy because my alpha wasn't gonna die or at least I hoped he didn't. I still don't trust that guy at all my mother and i watched nervously has he prepared it but for some reason my mother was extremely focused on the ingredients he was using as if she also knew what he had to do.

"Here... Drink that" Robertson told him handing him a weird looking liquid in a cup. He hesitantly took it and smelled it immediately taking it away from his nose in disgust.

'Hahaha that thing is disgusting' my mother said to herself and I chuckled.

"Just drink it!" Robbie said taking the cup in his hands and forcing the liquid into ryes mouth. I laughed really hard at how he almost puked

"Are you sure that's an antidote? That thing is disgusting!" Rye told them in disgust. My mother and I were pretty much dying of laughter. Then my mother came up with an idea she closed the portal we were looking through and looked at me.

"How about you and I both invade his dream tonight? I mean I've never done it before but we could try" I nodded with a smile and hoped this would work because i really want to hug him. She closed her eyes and focused. We waited for like a minute when another type of portal appeared. She grabbed my hand and we walked through it. I saw rye laying down sleeping in front of that tree and I smiled.

We walked to the river and waited for him to get here. Then I heard his voice

"Amethyst..." He said and we both turned around he smiled when he saw me. I walked towards him and hugged him. He kissed me and after a minute we pulled away.

"I'm so glad you're gonna be fine love" he smiled and kissed my head. Then we heard my mother clear her throat. We laughed awkwardly and turned to face her.

'You guys look adorable together and all but I'm still here" she said with a smile. We all sat down in the grass... Or more like rye on the grass and me on his lap and my mother in front of us and we started talking about pretty much everything but out of nowhere my mother started breathing heavily. I got off ryes lap and crawled over to her

"Mum you ok?" She shook her head still breathing heavily then she fainted.

I woke up and scared and panting. What the heck happened? I'm seriously worried about her now. That had never happened before why would it happen now?

Ryes pov

I woke up confused because of what had happened. Amethyst had never fainted like that ever or at least nor when I was around and Andy never mentioned her fainting before so I guess she hadn't. I hope she's ok

I got up and did my morning routine like always and went to the dining room to have my breakfast. As I walked through the halls i remembered that Andy isn't here. I don't know why but he made this castle a happier place and now that he's gone its back to how it was before we met him.

His smile when he walked around. How he always worked extra hard on training. How he would go missing sometimes and you'd find him playing with the twins or helping Harvey and Mikey out with the babies. I truly miss all of that or more like I truly miss him and yeah I know what you must be thinking. I did see him yesterday but that's not enough I want him back here, in the Beaumont territory where he truly belongs and where I can see him without having to sneak out or be careful because someone might see us.

I need Andy back soon or I'm gonna go crazy

I Thought He Was My Enemy\\ Randy\\ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now