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andys pov

After training i went to my room and took a bath since i was really sweaty. After that i laid down on my bed just thinking about everything going on and fell asleep soon after.

'Andy! Andy!' I opened my eyes to see that i was in a forest. It didnt look very familiar at all, i dont even know how i ended up here. I was sitting with my back against a massive tree. I stood up and looked at my surroundings but all i saw was trees. I decided to walk around until i found myself in front of this beautiful river. It had a huge yet gorgeous waterfall who's sound was like a beautiful melody to my ears. It felt so peaceful around here.

'Andy!' I heard a female voice call but i didnt really know where it came from. Suddenly i saw someone come from inside the waterfall. She was beautiful and i couldnt help but notice how we looked so similar. She had long blonde hair that reached her waist, bright blue eyes that you could get lost on and she wore a light purple long dress that reached her ankles, the flower crown she had on her head just made her outfit look even better, she wasnt that tall but not that short either.

She smiled brightly as she saw me and her smile was one of the most beautiful ones i had ever seen. She walked over the water which amazed me even more and came closer to me. Once she was close enough she grabbed my face with her hands taking a closer look at me.

'Oh how you've grown my son' i heard her say. The words she spoke really confused me as there was no way that i was the son of this beautiful woman. She was smiling very widely as if she had been waiting an eternity to see me.

'How i wish i was there to see you become the man you are now my love' she said. Every second that passed i got even more confused.

'i know you are confused right now but all your questions will be answered the day we meet darling. I shall wait patiently for that day for i cant leave this place. One day you'll hopefully find me and that shall be the happiest day of my life. I have to go now my son but remember that i love you and will always be waiting by this river' she turned around and walked trough the waterfall once again leaving me completely confused and alone in a forest.

I woke up from the really weird dream i just had and it was just 2:00pm. I had been sleeping for two hours which wasnt normal for me. Ive never slept during the day and if i did it was because i was sick but im not. For some reason i cant get that woman and her words out of my head. Does this dream mean something? Probably not, that woman was way to pretty to be my mother and im way to ugly to be her son. I decided i should go for a run since its been a long time since i did, maybe ill ask harv to come with me or ill go alone so i can clear my head. Not gonna lie, i haven't been able to stop thinking of ryan. The way that he reacted to the whole situation had me crying almost the entire night. Yes, i cried myself to sleep over someone that doesnt love me at all. Someone... That thinks im disgusting. As i walked through the halls i felt a tear fall down, i quickly wiped it away nkt wanting anyone to notice but it was too late because king damien saw it and was now standing in front of me asking whats wrong.

"Its nothing damien, is it ok if i go on a run? I really need to clear my head" he gave me a small smile and nodded. I kept walking until i heard his voice call my name once again. I turned to face him.

"Do you mind if i go with you?" I shook my head with a smile and we walked towards the main door to exit the castle. When we were about to shift he told me to follow him because he would take me to a very special place. I nodded and shifted into my white blue eyed wolf. His wolf was like much bigger than mine and clearly much stronger but i didnt really care at all right now. He started running and i followed close behind as we ran past the territory walls and into the forest only that we werent going towards the fowler territory since we were going the opposite way.

After running non stop for the past half an hour we came across a beautiful lake. The king shifted back and walked over to it and sat on the grass that surrounded said lake. I followed his actions and shifted and sat down next to him.

"Whenever im stressed or theres a lot going on and i need to clear my head, this is where i come. Its peaceful and very deep into the forest so no one actually comes here" he stated and i just nodded. Im not trying to be rude but im just not in the mood to talk right now.

"What's on your mind andy? I've never seen you so down and its actually worrying me. You are like another son to me" without saying anything i felt the tears start to form in my eyes.

"Its just too much right now... One day im locked in my bedroom inside a castle and the next thing i know im getting married with someone from another pack getting trained to become a spy"

"I understand boy but there's nothing to worry ab-"

"Yes there is, dont tell me theres nothing to worry about cause there is. I just recently turned 18 and im getting married damien and to top it all off the person im marrying absolutely hates me" i told him crying

"So thats what this is about, you're not upset because its all to much. Its about rye... I dont know why you would think that he hates you andy, you're an amazing kid and he probably knows that" i shook my head

"He hates me, he thinks im disgusting. We were perfectly fine being friends and now he calls me by my last name. He's been acting coldly towards me since last night and the way he looked at me before he ran of the office. Its pretty clear" he sighed

"If he did hate you he wouldn't have been your friend in the first place" i looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"Maybe he doesnt love you in that way right now but i say you should give him some time to fully accept it and when he does he'll be able to see the beautiful person you are inside and who knows, maybe he'll even fall in love with you"

I Thought He Was My Enemy\\ Randy\\ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now