T W E N T Y ~ E I G H T

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(One month later)
Andy's pov

Today is the day, the day that i get to go back home. Yes, my mission has officially ended and the boys and I are going back tonight. Its kinda sad having to leave my brother behind again but unfortunately it has to be done.

This past month I've seen rye two times. We met up in the woods since apparently invading someone's dream and then invading another persons dream along with the first person made my mother faint. Thankfully nothing serious happened to her. It just took too much of her energy so we weren't able to see each other like that.

Jack and brook started dating about a week ago. I told jack it wasn't a good idea because eventually we would have to go and leave him behind but he obviously didn't care and still started dating him anyways. Brooklyn will be heartbroken when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes that his brother and his boyfriend are both gone but right now we were focused on getting everything ready for tonight.

"Ok so how are we gonna do this?" Harvey asked us. The three of us were sat in jacks bed thinking of ways to escape without anyone seeing us or being suspicious. Then I remembered the way I used to sneak of.

"We could do it the way I used to." I said and they both looked at me and I smiled.

"Well, tell us" jack told me and I laughed softly. I know jack is upset about this but he's trying to be strong.

"We could go through my window. If you guys just follow my lead and don't fall of we'll be fine" they looked at each other and nodded.

"There's no other way so lets do it that way. I mean if we use the front door it'll be way to obvious" harv said and we all agreed.

"Be in my room with your stuff at 7:00 if we leave exactly at that time we'd get there by 8:00" I  said looking at them.


They both agreed to it and we went to do whatever it was we had to do before we left tonight. Jack was probably with brook right now who knows where doing who knows what. I just cant wait for tonight.

Brooks pov

I woke up really happy today. I have been for this past week of course because me and alpha jack started dating. I've never been happier I just like him so much and I have from the moment i saw him. There's just something about him that drives me crazy and not in a bad way but...

I was walking cheerfully to jacks room when I heard someone speaking from inside. I knew it was Andy and Harvey there with him and I know its not good to eavesdrop but I'm a curious person and I need to know what's going one to see if I can help but that wasn't the case.

They're leaving, tonight. My eyes filled with tears and I ran off to my room and locked the door. Why would they leave like that and without telling me and why is jack so calm about it. Isn't he supposed to be upset? I mean he said he liked me unless... Unless he lied. No, that's not possible he wouldn't lie about that would he?

Then I heard a knock on the door I ignored it because I didn't feel like talking to anybody right now. Then the person knocked again.

"Brook I know you're there if you're upset about anything you know you can tell me." Said jack from the other side of the door. I wiped my tears away and faked smiled opening the door and letting him in. He smiled when he saw me and walked into my room and laid down on my bed. I slowly walked over to him and sat down on the end of my bed. He sat up and looked at me with a concerned look

"Everything ok Brookie?" I shook my head as tears started forming again. He opened his arms and I immediately hugged him and he hugged me back but I decided I wouldn't tell him what was going on. We just laid in my bed in silence.

(Few hours later)
Andys pov

I was in my room waiting for jack and Harvey to arrive. I'm so excited its finally time to go and ill be able to see my alpha again. I practically squealed and then my door opened revealing jack and Harvey. I stood up and they nodded. I opened my window and we were about to go out of it when we heard a voice behind us

"Wow" we turned around and saw Brooklyn standing there with tears in his eyes. We all sighed and went back inside.

"Brook I-" jack started

"No need to explain, I'm going with you guys. I overheard your conversation earlier and trust me there's no way I'm staying here with that man so lets go. Now" I looked at Harvey and he smiled and nodded. Jack went and hugged brook and I led them out of the castle in a somewhat risky way.

We walked through town with our hoodies covering our faces just in case. When we got to the walls we all shifted and we ran to our home. Where we all truly belong.

We got to the walls of the Beaumont pack and shifted back. We were gonna start walking through town. I smiled when I walked past the wall.

"Brook... Welcome to our home" jack said as brook looked around amazed. I don't blame him its beautiful here even at night. When we got to the castle the king, rye, James , Mikey, Robbie and Alex were waiting for us. Harv ran to Mikey and hugged him tightly and I did the same with rye.

"I missed you so much baby" he whispered to me still hugging me. When we pulled away I went to hug Damien.

"Glad your back son" he let me go and i smiled at him.

"It's good to be home Damien" he smiled. After jack harv and I greeted everyone I decided to introduce brook who for some weird reason was in his wolf form. When did he- whatever

"Guys this is my brother Brooklyn. He really helped us a lot in this mission" they all smiled at him.

"Come on in boys. Lets have dinner you must all be hungry" Damien told us and we went directly to the dining room. Rye and I holding hands. I smiled at him and he kissed my cheek. Causing me to giggle.

We all sat in a table together. Harv next to Mikey, brook next to jack, me next to rye and Robbie next to Damien. The servants and maids were all here too but on different tables. Suddenly the king got an idea.

"Hey rob, why don't you tell your boyfriend to sit with us? I mean he's like family too" Robbie blushed but smiled widely

"R-really dad?" Damien nodded

"Thanks!" Then he stood up. I saw Alex was just about to put his plate in the table when Robbie stopped him. He looked over at us and immediately got nervous and hesitantly agreed on coming here with us.

"H-hi" we all smiled at him and he sat down in the extra chair we had put for him next to Robbie's. We had dinner and talked about everything literally and we were all laughing and smiling

I'm so glad I'm back home

I Thought He Was My Enemy\\ Randy\\ UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now