F O R T Y ~ T W O

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Rye's pov

After amethyst had fainted during one of the dreams I hadnt seen her once. She did talk with andy once but after that none of us saw her. Today not only did we saw her but she appeared in real life. She was right in front of us and it honestly made me so confused.

When she started talking about witches and stuff i got even more confused until she said andy was half witch and half wolf. It sparked a curiosity in me and i just found myself wanting to know more about it until she mentioned that the witches were worried about something.

In that moment my thoughts went to when andy and i decide to have children. What would happen to them if they had those powers. I whispered 'our kids' and held Andy tighter hoping that they wouldnt want to take our child away from us but thats exactly what she said.

I got furious, of course i want kids and with Andy, only with him and the thought that they want to take her if its a girl is so frustrating to me. I just hope that andy feels that way too because i dont want anyone to have my kids... That is, if we ever have some. After amethyst left we both decided to go to sleep knowing that it had been a long day. I wrapped my arms around him and he put his head and one hand on my chest. I gently kissed his head and whispered 'good night baby, i love you' before we both fell asleep. Im not even sure he answered but i woudnt blame him if he didnt since we were both super tired.

We woke up this morning to the sound of people screaming outside our room. Andy gently sat up and i unwrapped my arms from him with a yawn. We both stretched.

"What's going on?" Andy grumpily said with his adorable morning voice. I gently touched his hair which was really messy.

"Ill go check yeah?" He nodded and laid back down. Before i could even stand up the door flew open and a very angry
Robbie came in.

"WHY THE HECK HAVE YOU GUYS NOT WOKEN UP YET!!! YOU HAVE A MEETING IN 10 MINUTES" He kept yelling and yelling at us while we both rushed out of bed and took a shower (yes, together because we didnt have time) and got dressed. I fixed Andys hair since he said he couldnt get it right but truth is he looked adorable.

I kissed his head and whispered: "you look great like that baby". Robbie groaned and just told us to hurry up. We rushed to the meeting room where there were a lot of unknown people sat down. Being king and luna we had to shake everyone's hands and we sat down in our chairs which were in front of everyone else's. I can tell andy is in a bad mood today, thats why im trying to stop people from talking to him since i know he'll get even more pissed and i dont want that. I just hope that we're not that busy today so that i can relax with my baby.

Robbie cleared his throat "welcome everyone! Please let me introduce to you our king, Ryan beaumont and his husband Andy beaumont who is our luna. "

Some of them started whispering between them which caused me to raise my eyebrow. I managed to hear some of the comments made and i just couldnt ignore them and i was trying so hard not to yell at them and punch them right there.

"Isnt that the one that ran away from fowler territory? Always thought there was something weird about that"

"I coulve sworn i saw him at a meeting with the former king of the fowlers"

"Pff, please! He's only with beaumont to get information for his pack"

"Does he even love the king?! Im sure he just wants him for information or maybe money?"

"Hahahaha im sure the king doesnt love him! I mean look at him! Hes ugly and fat hahahahaha"

"I heard he killed his father, wouldnt be surprised if he killed his husband as well"

I cleared my throat and gained everyones attention. They all turned serious again. I looked at andy who was looking down quite uncomfortable and clearly upset but as always he hid it with a fake smile, pretending he didnt hear anything. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it as if to let him know that i was here.

The meeting began and it turns out they are kings or lunas who came in representation of kings from other packs excluding our enemy packs obviously. We talked about the usual things and after two long hours the meeting ended.

"Before everyone leaves i would like to say something very important" robbie gave me a confused look and andy just whispered

"Rye dont"


"But nothing, im fine i promise" i sighed and nodded quickly kissing him in front of everybody and honestly i didnt care. I went to my office and andy went to his to see if we had any work which annoyingly i had and apparently andy did too.

(A few hours later... Im lazy AFFFFF)

Andys pov

After a few hours in my office and i know its weird but rye wanted me to have an office. I had started going through some papers when i saw one that caught my attention. It was a request for rye or me to come to a meeting in the solar territory. The ones who had an alliance with the fowlers on the last war. I rolled my eyes and threw it to the side but im still showing it to rye later.

I heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in. Alex walked in with tea in his hands and put it in my desk i raised my eyebrow.

"Rye told me to bring you one because he could feel you were stressed" oh thats right he could feel that kind of thing now that we were bonded and i had completely forgotten about one other thing.

'Thanks love'

'Youre welcome baby'

'I love youuuuu' *giggle*

'I love you moreeee' *chuckle*

We could talk through our minds and i find that really fun. After alex left only a few minutes later robbie walked in and started walking back and forth in my office saying that 'he couldn't take it anymore' he sat down infront of me and groaned loudly.

"Finally realized that you should apologize??" He nodded

"I just dont know how! I dont even know why we were fighting" i sighed and took my reading glasses off.

"Look rob, just say you're sorry. Tell him you love him, tell him that you made a mistake and that you feel really upset because you hurt him. Its simple"

"Yeah easy for you to say! Just wait until it your turn to apologize to rye because of something you said out of anger" he groaned again

"Robbie, ask him out. Take him on a date and apologize there. He's been so upset recently. Please... Apologize. Besides you cant keep taking your anger out on rye and me" he laughed at the end

"Nah y'all are just cringe" i laughed

"Just go apologize man!"

"What now??!" I gave him the 'seriously?' Look

"well of course now!! GO!!!" He nodded and left my office i shook my head laughing and kept working.

Those two will be the death of me


Hope you liked this chapter!!!

I had time to write today and it came out really crappy anyways 😂😂

Love y'all❤❤❤

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