Chapter 23

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"Kai what are you doing here?" I asked ecstatically, as I watched him walk in through the grand doors. He simply strolled closer with his hands in his pockets, a smile painting his flawless face.

"What? Can I not come and visit one of my favourite people?"

He always knew just what to say and do. It was only around noon and my day had already been hell; seeing Kai seemed to calm me down.

"I'm so happy you decided to come here." I sighed, walking up to him and wrapping my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. I heard a slight chuckle leave his mouth and it was music to my ears. Something about making him laugh lit a fire of positivity inside me.

"You're just lucky I did my college work in advance."

I didn't really take in how long me and Kai had been embracing but it was long enough for my manager to arrive by our side. I let go and smile towards him, bowing slightly and gesturing a hand out to introduce Kai, yet he already started talking.

"Is this your boyfriend?" He asked, looking Kai up and down, not in a mean way, more in an intrigued way. He was a stylist after all so he was most likely examining the outfit he was wearing. I shot a worried look at Kai and he did the same, the awkward tension beginning to build.

"WHAT!? HAHA! MY BOY- NO!" I blurt out although it sounded incredibly forced and well...awkward.


"No!" me and Kai both exclaimed this time. My boss furrowed his eyebrows at our odd behaviour which wasn't surprising; I don't now why it made me so uncomfortable speaking about it but it did.

"Well you two seem awfully close if you don't mind me saying. How would you feel about doing a few couple photos for us? You will be highly paid of course." my manager questioned, looking to and from us both. I tensed up and threw my eyes to Kai who was also standing in an awkward stance, gritting his teeth as he looks from me to my manager.

"uh no I don't think-"

"We have been looking for couples to model recently but none of them have been very good; please think about it, I'll be just over there." he stated, his sentence turning more into a whisper halfway through. He shot a wink my way before beginning to walk away.

"Wait." I heard Kai exclaim. I widened my eyes and turned towards him abruptly, hands behind my back shyly. He shot me a side eye before the manager made his way back towards us.

"Yes?" He asked, tilting his head at Kai's command.

"What would we have to do?"


"Hello Miss L/n this is your next outfit for the day and excuse me, I don't know your name." the stylist ahead of us apologizes by bowing towards Kai.

"Kai Song, ma'am." He said, bowing politely and pushing up his glasses to focus on her properly.

"Ohh, are you the two doing the couple photos?" She asked and we nod as I felt myself burning up. Did it have to be called that? Every time I heard the word 'couple' my stomach did a flip. She fiddled with the outfits on the rack before handing Kai his outfit. Our outfits were very similar because it was a...cOuPLe photoshoot. Ugh. Let's just get this over with. We both began walking to the changing rooms, examining each other's outfits.

"Honestly you are gonna look so good in that!" I complimented Kai, his cheeks and ears beginning to redden as he failed to wipe the smile of his face. Cute.

"Do you think? I never were stuff like this." He mumbled in a worried tone, punching his tongue into his cheek and holding his outfit up for us to examine better.

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