Chapter 5

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Caleb P.O.V.

I stood in the kitchen waiting for Angela.

She walked into the kitchen a couple minutes later.

After the scene at Angela's apartment with Jeremy I got her and her child out of there and brought them to a hotel.

"She's watching TV and laying down in the bed," Angela said as she stood by the counter across from me.

"Is he on something?" I asked referring to Jeremy.

"He's a good boyfriend and father," Angela said deflecting.

"That's not what I asked. Angela is he on drugs?" I asked.

"He does some stuff but he usually keeps it under control. I don't know... he's just been different lately. Super jumpy, irritable, and tired," Angela said.

Considering my past drug abuse history I could spot when someone was using. But Jeremy never showed signs of being on anything at work. I guess he was getting sloppy with hiding his drug use or this was a new habit he'd taken up.

Either way Angela and his daughter didn't need to be around that.

"Has he... does he hit you... regularly?" I asked.

"Jeremy isn't a bad guy," she said as she walked off towards the living area.

She went to sit on the couch and I joined her.

I didn't want to offend Angela but I wanted to better understand her situation. She's a nice young girl that I see has a lot of potential. I just wanted to help her.

"I'm not saying he's a bad guy but if he needs help-"

"He won't take it. Jeremy... doesn't hit me... he mainly... I shouldn't be talking about this," Angela said stopping herself from saying too much.

"Angela you have a daughter in there that just watched her father drag you across a floor by your hair. I think it's time to stop protecting him," I said.

"I do things sometimes to make him mad... like this morning. I knew he was sleeping but I still brought our daughter into our bedroom and let her play on the bed while I got dressed. He couldn't sleep and got frustrated," Angela said.

"So? He's a father kids need attention and you don't often get much sleep in the first couple years of parenthood," I said.

"He was at the studio late last night and he just wanted some sleep. I should have just left her in her bedroom or something..." Angela said blaming herself.

"Angela you don't have to put up with that kind of behavior. You and your daughter deserve better," I said.

"Jeremy is good when he's good. It's not all bad. He also makes sure our daughter and me are good," Angela said.

"If that's so why am I the one that's been driving you home? Has he been too drunk or high to drive?" I asked.

"No... he was busy at the studio. Jeremy wants to be a rapper. You know the next Eminem or shall I say MGK," Angela said.

"And what? That means he has a right to disrespect you?" I asked.

"No he's just under a lot of stress," Angela said.

It hurt me to see her making all these excuses to excuse his poor behavior. But Angela clearly didn't want sound advice.

"Thank you for coming to get me when I called. I'm sorry I've been such a bother lately," Angela said.

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