Chapter 36

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"The wedding is back on," I said happily.

"Congrats!" Katie said.

"I'm happy for you Zoey. I knew you and Caleb would be able to work things out," Leslie said.

"You're kidding right! What about Eric?" Serena questioned.

I had invited the girls over for an afternoon of wine and girl chat. All our kids were playing in my backyard. Caleb was at the club so I had some time to socialize and catch my girls up on my relationship status.

"What about Eric? He was nice but I told you I didn't want to be set up," I said.

"But he's fine!" Serena said.

"Then you get with him," I said as I took a sip of my wine.

"Serena lay off. Zoey and Caleb are a fire couple and he's who she wants," Katie said.

"Well when you're divorced in a year holla at me and I'll see if Eric is still single," Serena said as she grabbed her wine glass.

"Serena what is your issue with my relationship!" I snapped.

It seemed like Serena was always throwing shade or making slick comments about Caleb and me. I wanted to know why.

"I don't have an issue. I just wish you wouldn't settle for a man who can't seem to act right. Like Zoey girl you gave in way too easy with him. You should have gotten out there dated other people. Let Caleb really see what he was missing then maybe after a few flings give him another chance," Serena said.

"Now why would she go out and date a whole bunch of men when she's trying to marry Caleb? You sound ridiculous Serena," Katie said.

"Says the woman who lost her husband to his secretary," Serena said nastily.

"Serena that's rude!" I said sticking up for Katie.

"Well it's the truth and if you don't watch yourself you'll end up just like her. Watch Caleb leave you for one of those bottle girls at his club," Serena said.

"Serena you are so damn childish!" Katie said frustrated.

"But I'm right!" Serena argued.

"Says who! Serena I know my man and I know he wouldn't hurt me. Caleb and I have come a long way and he's not going to do what you're thinking he will," I said defending my relationship.

"Lets hope not. Because if I'm right you'll be a single mother of two," Serena said.

Serena's foul attitude was ruining the whole afternoon. I understood she was trying to be a protective friend but she didn't have to make rude digs at all of us.

Caleb P.O.V.

I sat in my office in the club going over the schedule and what shifts needed to be filled where.

As I was doing this there was a knock at my door.

"Come in," I said.

I looked up and saw the girl I saw the other night.

"Hi..." she said.

"Hi... You're the woman from the other night who was looking for a job right?" I asked.

"Yeah... Abby.... Remember?" she asked.

"Yeah that's right. How can I help you?" I asked.

"Well you said you'd call but hadn't so I thought I'd just check in since I was already in the area," she said as she entered my office closing the door behind her.

"Oh it's only been a couple days..." I said.

"Well when you're looking for a job you can't afford to waste anytime," Abby said.

"Well take a seat..." I said.

Abby smiled and walked over to my desk.

Before she sat down she picked up a photo off my desk.

It was a picture of Zoey and I.

"Girlfriend?" she asked as she looked at me.

"Wife," I corrected her.

She looked me over and smirked as she sat the photo back down.

"I don't see a wedding ring on your finger... are you one of those husbands..." she asked as she sat down.

"Am I one of what kind of husband?" I asked confused.

"The kind that's married but slips his ring off the second he's out of his wife's presences. The kind that is keeping his options open," Abby said suggestively.

"I assure you my wife is my only option and I'm faithful to her. But you're not here to speak about my personal life. You're here for a job right?" I asked getting back on task.

"So you're in to black women?" Abby asked.

"I'm into my wife... As I was saying-"

"Caleb relax. I'm just trying to get to know you," Abby said trying to sound harmless.

"Abby I'm not really in need of any new employees," I said.

"Then you could hire me for something else," Abby said in a suggestive tone.

Abby stood up and I watched her closely as she picked up another photo off my desk.

"These your kids?" she asked.

"Yes... please put the photo down," I said as I stood up.

This girl was giving me a weird vibe.

She placed the photo back on my desk and walked over around my desk to me.

"They both have your gorgeous blue eyes," Abby said as she ran her finger along my jaw.

"Alright that's enough get out of my office. I won't be hiring you," I said.

Abby giggled and moved in closer to me.

"Tell me Caleb do you want to fuck me?" she asked bluntly.

"Excuse me!" I said disgusted.

"See I use to know a guy like you. Handsome bad boy who loved getting into all kinds of trouble. You strike me as a guy that likes to push the limits..." Abby said.

"I'm a forty two year old man who is married with two kids. The days of me fucking whores is over. But if you're looking for a pole to ride there is a strip club across town that might be hiring," I said.

The girl threw her head back and started laughing hysterically.

"Real funny," she laughed.

"I'd like you to leave," I said.

"Fine. I'll go. But just know I often get what I want and well maybe I'll see you and you're little family around town," she winked.

"Look chick I don't know what kind of game you're playing. But stay away from me, my family, and my business got it!" I warned.

"So protective over that family are we.... They mean a lot to you?" she asked.

"What kind of question is that? Yes they mean a lot to me! They are my family you dumb broad!" I said getting angry.

This slut was getting on my nerves now.

I'd had tricks come at me before like Angela but this whore was a different kind of slut.

"You're really hurting my feelings with the name calling Caleb. It's not nice to be such a prick!" Abby said getting upset.

"Well it's not becoming of a young woman throwing herself at a happily married man!" I argued.

"Are you happy though? I mean as I said before... I see no ring," Abby said.

Abby giggled and flipped her hair.

She walked out of my office without another word and I just rolled my eyes.

Crazy bitch!

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