Chapter 32

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Copyright © 2019 Nicole Mckoy

Zoey P.O.V.

"How is counseling going?" Leslie asked as we sat down.

I was out to lunch catching up with Leslie while I had time. Mason was with me but too busy watching a kid's show on my phone beside me with headphones on.

Serena was also going to meet up with us but she was running late.

"It's going good actually. I feel like Caleb and I are getting closer than we've ever been... emotionally speaking. We're having to dig deep in these counseling sessions," I said.

"I know Dana is a great premarital counselor. She really has you peel back all the layers and confront every issue," Leslie said.

"Do you and Bryson still go to her?" I asked.

"No. We stopped after we got married. But our communication is so on point because of her. Honestly speaking I think if we hadn't of gone to her before we got married we'd be divorced," Leslie said.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Have you gotten to the part yet about fighting fair?" Leslie asked.

"No... what does that entail?" I asked curiously.

"Hey. What did I miss," Serena interrupted as she joined us.

Serena sat down across from me beside Leslie.

"Nothing. Just chatting about our relationships," I said.

"I thought you were no longer in one? Didn't you call off the wedding Zoey?" Serena asked confused.

"I did but Caleb and I are in counseling. We're working through things in order to get stronger and come back together," I explained.

"Girl why? There are way too many men out here to be working this hard on a man being so damn difficult to satisfy. I saw that fine brotha you were chatting up in the club when we all were in Vegas. Why not holla at him?" Serena said.

"My heart is with Caleb," I said.

"Girl please," Serena said with an eye roll.

"Anyway... tell me about the fighting fair thing Leslie," I said wanting to continue our conversation.

"Well in counseling you'll learn that in order to fight fair you must not bring up past arguments during a completely different argument. For example say you argue about milk not being in the fridge. You can't later bring up the milk issue if you're arguing about gas not being in the car. You see what I mean... like once an argument is over it's over. You can't keep bringing up the same old crap because you get nowhere," Leslie explained.

"I don't agree with that. If I'm mad I'm mad and I'm bringing up all your old shit if I want," Serena disagreed.

"Well I get what Leslie is saying. It's like if you cheat and you both agree to move on from that and be together you can't bring up that past infidelity if there were ever to be another one," I said.

"Girl you sound stupid! If my man cheats and I forgive him and he cheats again I'm calling his cheating ass out. I'll bring up every time he cheated and then some if I want because I can," Serena said.

"Serena that works if you have a middle school and high school mentality. But if you're a grown ass woman married you'll learn real quick holding on to old shit and rehashing it in arguments will lead to nowhere productive," Leslie argued.

"Whatever... if that works for you then fine. But all I'm saying is when my man pisses me off all bets are off. I am bringing up anything and everything to prove my point so his ass knows he's wrong," Serena said firm in her view on this topic.

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