Chapter 17

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Lyric's POV

"It's sorta stinky." I frowned.

"That's New York for you Printsessa." Pietro chuckled. We had just come back from my first trip outside. I saw Central Park, ate a hotdog from a vendor, and even took a taxi cab. It was pretty cool but underwhelming with Pietro having to be on high alert all the time. We left around noon and arrived back in the tower living room around 4, just in time to see Peter running in.

"Lyric, hey!" He smiled.

"Hey Peter. Are you just coming from school?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I need to do some Physics homework."

"Funny, I got some from Bruce as well."

"O-oh! Maybe we could, like, do our homework together?"

"Alright." Pietro gave a slight smile at me before flashing away.

"I usually make a cup of tea before doing...well anything. You want some?" I offered.

"Sure. Got any mint?" Peter asked.

"Peter, what kind of tea freak would I be if I didn't have mint." I teased. He gave a short but cute chuckle as I smiled and put the water to boil. Peter and I set up at the kitchen island, sitting across from each other.

"Man, gravitational force is sorta complicated." I complained.

"Gravitational force? I actually understand that. Let me see if I can unstick you." Peter said moving closer to me. I felt myself get tense at him being so close to me. Peter seemed to notice because he gave me a crooked smile.

"Hey, it's alright, I won't bite." He said. I felt my blood run cold as a memory played in my mind.

"You can sit on the bed next to me. I won't bite." Harry chuckled.

I stood up abruptly as the kettle began to boil, my heart racing.

"Lyric, are you alright?" Harry asked—No! Peter. Peter asked.

"I-I need Wanda." I stuttered. I left quickly in search of the witch.

Peter's POV

I immediately turned off the kettle as Lyric ran off. Great going Parker! You build up the confidence to get closer to her and immediately freak her out! I'm such a loser...

"Mr. Parker, didn't expect to see you here today." Mr. Stark stated, walking through the kitchen.

"Physics homework." I sighed.

"Lyric was here with you?"

"Yeah, but she just ran off."

"Ran off? Did something happen?"

"I...Mr. Stark can I ask your opinion of me?" At this, Mr. Stark looked confused and stood across from me.

"Depends on which aspect of yourself you want my opinion on." He said.

"Am I creepy, or off-putting, or just too plain eager?" I asked.

"The first two, definitely not. Too eager, at times. Why?"

"I don't know...I feel weirdly comfortable around Lyric. She doesn't expect too much from me and she's interested in my boring life. I didn't think she'd mind that I got closer to her so I could help her with Physics, but she completely freaked out and ran off looking for Wanda."

"Look kid, if you're serious about befriending Lyric, you gotta wait for her to open up to you. Just know, she's been through a lot."

"Thank you Mr. Stark." Tony nodded and walked off as I sat alone in the kitchen.

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