Rein Raus

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With sound check done and another pint in me, it was nearly time for the main event. I swear he became more and more audacious each time he passed me. I certainly wasn't complaining, given I was strategically placing myself so he'd have to walk past me, and with my band mates egging me on, I had no hope of saying no. I might be a feminist but I'm still a god damn woman and he was one helluva man. I was enjoying the game we were playing.

The flirting, teasing. It was driving me wild. He'd leaned over to say something to his guitarist, Kruspe, who then looked over at me and shrugged with a nod. Kruspe comes over to me. "Hi Lainie, Till and I were wondering if you knew any Rammstein riffs" His thick accent wafted over me. God I'd never get sick of hearing it. "Yeah I know a few. Anything off Rosenrot and Mutter I can play. Should I start down-tuning my guitar?" I raise an eyebrow at Richard but also at Till who was watching in the background. "Depends. Would you like to play a song with us?" Richard asks. Does a bear shit in the woods? "I'd be honoured. What song do you have in mind?"

"I'm sure you haven't seen enough of her tonight, I know I haven't, but please welcome back to the stage, Lainie Clarkson" Till's accent sent static electricity through my body. He beckons me to come out. I straighten my guitar and strutted out. I had no idea what was about to go down, but I was god damn ready for it. Richard gestures to the setlist at my feet. Rein Raus. Of course. Of all the songs to get down to with the person you know you're fucking tonight. I look at Till and mouth the words "Bring it on" before winking at him and hammering into the intro. 

His deep German vocals swirled around me as I tried to stay in control of myself. But I couldn't help it. He'd lost the black shirt and was donning a leather X chest harness across his broad, glistening chest. Watching him in action, was magnificent. He was a true showman, never stopping or breaking character. He strode around and dominated the stage, never missing a beat. When the song ended, he blew a kiss at me as I waved to the crowd and chucked em the bull horns. Night. Made. Ok, nearly made.

***Sorry I know this part doesn't have much happening but there's more to come***

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now