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"We've got some metal royalty in the house tonight, ladies and germs. And she has agreed to a song so let's give it up for Lainie Clarkson of Kiss This!" Devin leans down from the small stage and holds out his hand. I grab his hand and step up on to the stage, nearly pulling my bloody hamstring in the process. Devin hands me his mic and bows his way off stage.

"Enjoying the show, guys?" I start. This is met with assorted whoops and cheers, notably louder whoops than Devin was getting. "This is an old favourite of mine, takes me back to my teen years when I was first discovering stoner metal" I gesture to the guitarist, hoping he'd catch my drift. Sure enough, he starts working his way through the first few notes of the intro. The room went nuts as soon as they figured out what was up next. "So, it's safe to assume you all know this one?" I gesture to the audience to scream louder and they oblige.

The first verse rolled around and I was feelin' the vibe. Rarely having the chance to act too crazy thanks to the guitar that lives around my neck, I abused the privilege. From just strutting around more to dancing to interacting with the other band members, I got into it. "Can you help me, occupy my brain!" I growl before aggressively headbanging. I felt right at home under the spotlight.

The song ended and I applauded the band, patting the boys on the back. I felt myself sweating under my jacket as I wandered off stage, thanking Devin on my way off. "No problem" He gives me a tight smile and I shake his hand. "I owe you one" I say as I walk off to find Till.

I should've known he would've been up front and centre. He spots me and gives me a huge grin, hugs me and lifts me up in his arms. "You sounded amazing and looked...effervescent" He kisses my lips. Boom. The heat between us created a flash. I laugh as he puts me down. "Another beer, my lady?" He asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, his bicep bigger than my head. "God yes please"

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now