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Leah spent the next week or so at my house acting as my own personal watch dog. I was just trying to function as a normal person but failing miserably. Each morning she woke up to my drunk arse on the couch and watched me descend into weed by the time the afternoon came around. And she was getting sick of it.

"Are you serious? Why aren't you doing anything about this? What are you doing to yourself?" She asked, gesturing in disapproval at me. I giggled at her. "I'm trying to deal with the emotional pain of losing the best thing that's ever happened to me, to answer your question" I wave my hands and shrug.

"If he was the greatest thing that ever happened to you then why are you still here? The Lainie I know would already be in Germany fighting for her man" She said a little shrill. She had a point. But I wasn't having it. "He left me here, Leah. I'm not gonna chase after a man that chose to walk away" I shrug again, taking another sip of the Irish "coffee", which was now just a mug full out whiskey.

"Don't do it for him, do it for you. Do it for your happiness" She sits down beside me. "I've been watching you killing yourself and numbing the hurt. For the last week and enough is enough. You could take that pain away, not just hide from it" She grabbed my hand and held it. "Fuck. You're right. But what about Richard?" I ask. She scoffs.

"Ok, idiot. Tell me one thing. Who's the one person on your mind and in your heart? First person that comes to mind" She looked into my eyes. Till... Without a conscious thought in sight, my heart screamed for him. "Now tell me this. If it had of been Richard, do you think you would've been as dramatic as you were?" I stop dead. Well, fuck me then. I grab my bong and load up a cone.

"I didn't think so. Now get your arse on to your laptop right now and book the flight" Leah says, yanking the bong out of my trembling hands. "Never mind, I'll do it" She rips the cone I just packed before grabbing my laptop and punching in some details and paying with her own credit card. "Leah I-" She waves a finger at me. "No. Shut up. I love you and I refuse to let this opportunity pass you by. I've never seen you light up the way you do when you talk about him. I have never heard you talk so fondly. So yes, I bought your dumb-arse a ticket so you can go get your man" She looks at me.

"Your flight leaves in 4 hours. I'm packing your suitcase, find your passport. Now" She commanded and I started to move. I was beginning to feel less...mechanical. I found it and went to see how Leah was going packing for me. "What season is it in Germany right now?" I ask, looking at the assortment of pretty dresses and scandalous lingerie. "Spring, bitch. Now go grab your toiletries. I'll drive you to Tullamarine" She bossed me around and I let her. I needed her firm commands right now. 

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now