That's my Heart

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I had no idea what I was doing or where to go but I pulled my phone out and dialled Till's number. No answer. I look down at my phone in distrust and then try an old trick. I put my phone number on private and tried again.

"Hello?" His deep voice sent those shivers across my body

"Don't hang up" I say desperately.

I hear a heavy sigh on the other end of the phone.

"No, let me talk. You didn't let me respond and for that, I'm angry with you. You just went and made a decision for me. You should know I don't need a man to make my decisions for me. You broke my heart and you deserted me"

"I didn't see another way. I figured Richard would make you happier than I ever could" His voice sounded so empty. A feeling I understood completely, thanks to him.

"There was one thing you didn't count on; my bitch of a best friend. Which is why I'm here, in Berlin, with no fucking idea where I'm going or what I'm doing or even where my fucking luggage is"

"What? What do you mean you're in Berlin?"

"I mean I flew 40 fucking hours to tell you how badly you hurt me, hurting someone else in the process and to tell you if you pull that shit again, I'm gonna be even madder than I am now because I fucking miss you and I don't ever want you to leave again"

"But what about Richard?"
"Don't. Just, how do I hail a cab here? And to what address?"

Before I knew it, the cab had pulled up at a beautiful house in the German countryside. It was quiet compared to Melbourne. I had exchanged some Australian money at Tullamarine before I got on the plane and paid the driver. He grabbed my suitcase out of the boot of the cab, put it down and wished me what I assumed was a "good day". I smiled at him before turning my attention to the house in front of me.

I saw the front door open and all logic left me yet again. Tears filled my eyes and I ran. I left my suitcase and ran up the driveway and leapt into the arms of the most gorgeous man, his strong arms holding me close, pressing me into him, my thighs clinging to his hips. I felt safe, protected. We didn't speak, I just clung to him crying and he held me tightly. I looked at the face I knew and loved so much. His eyes were shining and his face was glowing. He kissed me deeply, reacquainting himself with me. We held on to each other for a long time until I finally broke away, gasping for air.

"I can't believe you're here" He smiles broadly at me. I slap him so hard and fast his head snapped to one side. He held his face where there was now a vicious red hand print rapidly appearing. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him again, his grip on my thighs tightening. He breaks the kiss and looks into my eyes. "I guess I deserve that" His velvety deep voice soothing my hurt. "Don't you ever do that again" I say, new tears spilling down my cheeks.

Till's face softened as he wiped my tears away gently. "I'm sorry. I thought it would make things easier for you if I just left. I figured you wouldn't want to be with someone who was notorious" He smiled sadly. I shook my head. "You don't make the choices for me" I say, kissing both his cheeks. "Alright, I've learned from my mistake" He looked out at my suitcase. "I better let you inside then" He says as he puts me down and walks out to get my luggage and I just stare after him, my heart fluttering at his warmth.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now