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I awoke to the smell of coffee and bleary vision. Thank god for blinds. I check the bedside clock, 4:00pm. Shiiiiiiiiiit. Must've been a helluva night. Then it all comes rushing back to me. The gig, Rammstein, Till. Oh damn. I look over to realise I'm not in my own bed. I'm in Till Lindemann's bed. All this piecing shit together could wait until after coffee though. I gently rolled out from under him, careful not to wake him.

Last I checked, everyone was crashed out somewhere. My brain didn't process that maybe there were people awake or night owls home from their night-time shenanigans until I moved towards the table scattered with white powder, green specks and an array of razors, pipes and beer bottles toward the tray of coffee. And heard someone take a sharp breath in.

My head whipped around to see Richard sitting in one of the high-backed armchairs with a look of complete and utter shock. And the penny drops. And I realise, I wasn't wearing any clothes. "Ahhhhhhh. Sorry" I nod and try to hide that I'm furiously blushing and move back towards where I thought my clothes were. "No, I'm sorry. I just didn't expect this" Richard's face was nearly as pink as my own. "I'll just find my clothes. I'm so sorry" I walk back into Till's room and look for pants or my shirt, only to realise I had no actual idea as to where my clothes were. Oh shit, I think.

I kept looking but there was nothing that resembled my clothes or anything I could use as a cover-up. "Shit" I whisper, on my hands and knees frantically looking for clothes when something black is held in front of my face, a black shirt I realise. "If you want. Until you find your own clothes" Richard hands me the black shirt. I take it gratefully and yank it on over my head. It was huge. The hem of it hung down and covered my front just fine, even with the huge neck hole. My backside on the other hand, was always a struggle to cover. "I mean it's probably kind of pointless now but I don't want my body to freak anyone else out" I laugh awkwardly, trying to lighten the situation.

Richard goes a darker shade of pink. "I-it's not that. I just-You're beautiful and I'm sorry for staring. I just couldn't help myself". I smile at him. "Nothing to apologise for. You don't have to hide. We're all adults here" I gesture towards the chair he was previously sitting in. He walks back to the chair and takes a seat. "I never got to tell you last night. You were absolutely amazing. You really know how to command a crowd" Richard smiles at me. "Thank you. It was an honour to support such an awesome band" I feel my cheeks grow hot again. Compliments always make me feel shy and embarrassed. "I've always enjoyed Australian bands. There's more heart and passion in it" Richard summarised, and I had to agree. "I can't argue that" I laugh.

"How do you feel about Australia as a whole? Rammstein doesn't come here often" I asked, still smiling. Woah, I never realised how cute Richard was, I thought. "I personally love it. I won't speak for the other guys, but I do enjoy Melbourne. The multiculturalism and local music scene never cease to amaze me. Funnily enough it's how we discovered you guys. It was your debut gig the last time we were here. At The Tote. It was alright for a debuting band and I remember Till saying you had star power. That you didn't know it yet but it would bloom soon enough" Richard swirled the remains of his coffee and downed it.

"Oh my god. Yeah I remember that night. God I don't know how. I was freshly 18 and drunk off my tits" I laughed recalling the night. "Not to sound like a stalker but we've been following your band ever since" Richard concluded. "Wow so Rammstein are original fans?" I try to contain my inner fangirl. Rammstein, a fan of the band, oh my god, I felt starstruck. If this was an anime, I'd have the heart eyes for sure. 

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now