Mein Teil

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I hiss as Betadine is pressed into the cuts on my back. It stings like icy fire against my battered skin. "You can take a beating better than most and it's disinfectant that hurts you?" Richard raises his eyebrow at me, an amused lilt in his voice. "You're not the one who looks like they fucked Freddy Krueger" I shot back, a matching lilt to my own words. "Are you sassing the person who's making sure you don't get a nasty infection?" Richard asks, pressing a little harder into a particularly deep gash.

I hiss again at this gesture. "No" I say quickly. The cross-hatching down my back looked worse than it really was but I knew some of the deeper ones would scar, a permanent reminder of my first real night with Richard. "That's what I thought" He said, sticking a band-aid over one of the nasty ones. The shallower ones wouldn't need band-aids but the real nasty ones would need a little extra help.

After Richard had applied my aftercare, we played the video back. Watching myself be sodomised in the way that I was brought back a very familiar sensation. "Is it just me or..." I trail off, biting my lip. "Does the little whore want an encore?" He smiled at me, covered in bruises from my restraints, indentations from spikes and blood from various openings in my flesh, passively asking for it. "I'm just saying I'm feeling it. I just asked if you were" I shrug nonchalantly. He chuckles and pushes me down on to the bed by my throat, kissing my lips and making me his for a second time.

With a few extra bruises and scrapes to add to the collection, Richard says it's time for him to go. I pout but I don't make an argument. "Aww ok" I say sadly, hoping he would've stayed the night. I didn't want the night to end completely, I just wanted to spend more time in his arms. But like a good hostess, I walked him to my door. "Be a good girl" He kisses my forehead, opens the door and disappears into the night.

With the door shut, I press my back against it and wince. The pain doesn't stop me from sliding down to the floor into an exhausted, burning pile. Without really knowing why, tears began to form before rolling down my cheeks, stinging where he slapped me. I heard a loud voice outside, one-sided. As if someone were talking on the phone. No not talking, maybe arguing? I reach an arm up and open the door slightly.

"It's none of your business!"

That German accent. I'd recognise it anywhere.

"I...I can't help it"

There was silence before a few words were spoken in German. Hanging around with the guys meant I'd managed to pick some of it up. There was something about an...agreement? I heard my name said. Oh god they're talking about me, I thought. I should've shut the door. Why didn't I shut the door?

"Don't be like this. I haven't felt this way for so long and you know it"

Really should shut the door.

"I know we agreed but...I can't abide by my word and you can't abide by yours"

I was frozen, listening to a conversation I didn't want to hear. I shouldn't hear. Richard said it was none of Till's business but it was also none of mine.

There was some more German exchange which didn't sound particularly nice before the conversation ended. Oh shit...

My mind was reeling. I knew this was all too good to be true. I didn't know how to feel, I had two German deities of sex chasing after me and from the sounds of it, I'd be made to choose.

***Well well guys what do we think of the drama? Don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comments***

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now