Waidmanns Heil

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I rolled us a nice, fat blunt and sparked the bitch up. I passed it to Till and we played Truth or Dare, y'know, for shits n gigs. "Truth or dare?" He asked, taking a deep drag before passing it back to me. "Truth" I take the blunt and inhale. The harsh smoke trawling down my trachea. "Have you, ever been in a threesome? Or more?" Till asks, that small devilish smile creeping back on to his face. "I've been with another woman and another guy, two other women. But never with two guys" I answer honestly, offering the blunt to him.

He laughed. "No wonder you're a wildcat in bed" He takes a hit. "Well what about you?" I raise an eyebrow. He exhales, the smoke curling around him. "Two women. More than once. And once funnily enough with Richard when we were in Amsterdam. I don't understand what men find so strange or so "gay" about two men nailing the same woman at the same time. In Germany, it's nothing to be a little...kinky" He shakes his head. "Right? I guess it's a lack of faith in their own heterosexuality, a lack of confidence in themselves because of the whole "bigger is better" stigma or a mix. Men are a funny species" I shrug, the buzz slowly taking over my body.

I tilt my head back and close my eyes for a second, savouring the steady buzz. "Truth or dare?" I ask, opening my eyes again. "Hmmm, dare" Till passes the blunt back to me. I take it and ponder what I want to ask. "Well, we've fucked 9 times already. Care to make it 10? But, there will be guidelines" My turn to grin cheekily at him. He raises an eyebrow. "Alright I'm game" He slides towards me, placing a hand on my thigh. "Ok, roll another blunt, put on some Led Zeppelin, let's see who finishes first and last between you, me, the blunt and the album" I take another drag and exhale. Till laughs. "That is, different. I like it. But we still have to finish the one you're holding" Till taking the blunt out of my hand.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now