Das Modell

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Till had ordered us two pints of beer and I asked him what made him pick this place. "Well there's a lot of undiscovered talent here but I also thought if I wanted to impress you on a date, a live gig would be the best way. You don't strike me as a fancy dinner and roses kind of woman" He smiles, clinking his pint against mine. "You were 100% right. It does however mea-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence when an old friend had spotted me and raced over to say hi.

"Hey beautiful! Where have you been hiding?" She kisses my cheek and hugs me, completely ignoring Till. "Hey babe. I've just been on tour but I'm home for now. Not for much longer though" I wink at her. "Oh of course. Yeah I've been keeping up via the band's Facebook. You right for a drink? I'll get your next one, I gotta go find Jared" She wanders off in search of her boyfriend.

"Uh yeah. That's gonna happen a lot tonight. Sorry" I laugh nervously. Till lets out a whistle and laughs. "So, this is clearly your kingdom" He runs his hand up my back. "We can leave if it's gonna bother you" I say, hoping to stay. "Better someone else for a change rather than myself" Till held his hands up. Over the course of an hour, 7 people had come over to say hey and it was through them I found out we were here for a stoner/sludge/doom night with Greytomb headlining. Sweet, I though.

Most of those people got the gist I was on a date and made it quick, occasionally buying me a round. It wasn't long until showtime and I was hangin for it. Till and I ducked out into the beer garden for a quick smoke where it was still fairly quiet and it was there that I was approached by the vocalist of some stoner cover band, Deep Sabbath. Wonder who they do covers of. I'd met Devin through the scene and let em support one of our gigs at Mr Boogie Man Bar in Collingwood ages ago.

"Lainie? Is that you? It's been forever, dude. What's happening?" Devin grins and saunters over. He plops down next to me, not even seeing the guy I was with. As much as I liked Devin's talent and his band, I can't really say I liked the guy but I acted polite anyway. Until he gave me a reason not to. "Yeah just been on tour. About to head off again" I smile coolly. "Oh nice, so it's all comin' up for you guys huh. Hey since you're here, you wanna come up with us for a few songs? We've got 'Paranoid' on the setlist" Devin asked. "Gee I'd love to but I'm on a date" I said, gesturing towards Till. His face fell for all but a second as he sized up Till. Till shrugged. "I don't see the problem. I can't hold back a star" Till rumbled, holding my hand and kissing my cheek.

Devin looked crestfallen at this gesture and said they were on in 10 and he'd call me up just before Paranoid. "Cool, thanks Devin" I wave as he walked off. "So, what's up with this guy? He clearly fancies you" Till grins before adding, "I don't blame him". I roll my eyes and say, "He does, I just ignore it" I shake my head. "Are you sure you don't mind?" I ask, feeling bad for agreeing to neglect my date. "Are you kidding? I love watching you perform. It takes a special kind of person to be able to front a band well" Till leans in and kisses my lips.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now