Puppe Pt. 2

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***Content warning: Shit's about to get real. Scenes of the fetish/kink variety depicting a sadist (Someone who enjoys doling out the pain) and a masochist (Someone who enjoys receiving it) engaging in what might be considered an "extreme" situation will happen from Puppe Pt. 2 to Puppe Pt. 5. This is not an accurate depiction of a relationship between a sadist and masochist as no limits have been discussed. HOWEVER as the author, I'm eluding to rough SEX only. No imaginary characters were actually hurt or assaulted in the next few chapters. It's all consensual and I've done my best to keep it sexy but still insinuate consent there. If this is too much, skip down to Sehnsucht. Enjoy***

So, there I was, the hem of the shirt up around my hip and the neckline pulled down with one full titty out, "showing off" my "tattoos". Working in a strip club for a brief time definitely forced me to learn and acknowledge the best way to show off the money makers. Also helped that I'm extremely flirtatious. It'll get me into trouble one day, but until then. He couldn't look away; I could see it. But what was the internal battle I was seeing in his eyes? Like he felt he was being forced to hold something back. I was dying to know, so I continued to poke and prod until it showed itself.

"I can see you had a good night last night" Richard finally said without judgement. Almost as if he were trying to think about something else but was failing miserably. "War wounds. You look like you want to add to the collection" I raise an eyebrow, calling him out. "And what if I did?" He asked quietly. "Till doesn't strike me as the type of man to mind sharing. And I'm not a one-man kind of girl" I said, taking the shirt off, back to square one.

I walk towards him and sat on his lap and made myself comfortable. Wiggling my devil girl purposefully against his hips, caressing his face. Whatever mental chains were holding back whatever it was lurking beneath the surface finally snapped. My spell was cast. It took him mere seconds for him to grab the hand caressing his face, pin it behind my back, weave his hand in my hair and pull back. Hard. And it finally clicked. I did it, I grin, I won. "Are you sure you want this? If you change your mind, you need to tell me. Because I like it rough" He asked, looking deep into my eyes, trying to find a hint of fear, a splinter of terror. But there was none to be found.

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