Was Ich Liebe

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"What did you and Till talk about?"

Near on instantaneous response.

"What did he tell you?"

"Nothing that incriminated you. He omitted that stuff. I want to hear it from you"

I didn't get a response for an hour or so.

"Knock knock"

I looked at my phone screen, confused. But I move towards my front door and open it. And there he was, leaning against my door frame with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth looking as dangerous as ever. "Rough night?" He gestures towards a bite mark on my neck. I nearly asked what he meant but I'd happened to notice the large bruise in the reflection of my kettle. I step out of my doorway, the universal gesture for "Come in".

"Tea? Or something stronger?" I ask, preparing to boil the kettle. "Got anything stronger?" He asks, keeping his distance from me. "You've got a choice out of my two favourite men; Jack Daniels or Jose Cuervo. Or there's some vodka in my freezer" I look at him expectantly. "Jack Daniels on the rocks is always good" He tried to smile, but I saw straight through it. I pour two Jack Daniels on the rocks and bring the bottle with me. Something tells me I'd need it. Or he would. Either way, I figured that bottle of Jack wouldn't survive the conversation.

"So, what's going on?" I ask once Richard had settled down on my couch. He looked taken aback as if my bluntness was a shock. "Well, what did Till tell you?" Richard asked, refusing to sell out his bandmate. "Just that he had feelings for me. He didn't say anything about you" I shrugged, taking a mouthful of Jack. It burned going down but I enjoyed it.

Richard looked away, took a breath. "What if I told you, that I liked you too?" He looked at me, searching for some kind of nick in my cool façade. "Ah. Figured" I took another mouthful of Jack. My life could never be simple could it. Richard cocked his head and I gestured for him to continue, knowing there was more to this. "I-I confided in Till that I started to like you...and he told me he liked you too. Problem is, I figured I didn't have a fighting chance" Richard took another swig of Jack. My heart buzzed with electricity and instinct overtook logic. I leaned in and kissed him. It wasn't particularly passionate or sexy, but there was affection there. Richard made a noise that sounded like surprise but soon enough, he completely surrendered to my taking control.

I broke away and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were different to Till's. Richard's were icy and cold, but there was something else there. "Why did you do that?" Richard asked softly, holding his hand up to his mouth. "To show you that I like you too. I like you both. I know you put up a tough front to keep your distance from people, but I can see through it to the gem underneath" I reach for his hands and squeeze them.

His face lit up as he smiled. "What, were you expecting me to just blow you off?" I laughed. His cheeks flushed for a second and nodded. "Richard, I like you. I want to see where this goes. But you need to know, I won't be tied down to one person" I look into his eyes. But he was genuine with what he said next. "I would never ask to do that to you. I don't wish to claim you" Richard's thumb brushed over my knuckles. "To be honest? I'm not great at talking to people or showing what I truly feel. But there's no denying the way I feel about you" He kisses me softly on the cheek. 

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now