Puppe Pt. 1

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We spent the next few hours reminiscing about our bands and sharing stupid tour/rehearsal stories. My little local band had nothing on the kings of Germany. We'd done our fair share of crazy shit but I can honestly say we've never been kicked out and banned from a whole state. "So, what's the story behind your tattoos?" Richard asks, changing up the subject. "Depends on which ones you're asking about. It's a bit 50/50. Some mean a lot, others not so much" I look down. "Ok, what about the one on your butt cheek?" Richard pokes his tongue out. I raise an eyebrow.

"Are you asking about the tattoo on my bum or just my bum?" I ask, an audacious half smile playing on my lips. "Well, it is a cute tattoo on such a cute rump. Can you blame me?" Richard shrugs and smiles back, clearly hoping I'd oblige.

"The devil face on my butt is just that. It was my first" I say, lifting up the hem of the precariously covering shirt and turning around to reveal the tattoo; a red female devil face who looked an awful lot like Bettie Page to the upper right part of my butt cheek.

Richard's eyebrows went up and nodded. "Very nice" He breathed. "You're not talking about my tattoo, I know that" I mimic the smile of my devil tattoo, the cheeky "devil may care" smile and wink, slowly pulling the hem of the shirt up again to show off my "tattoo" again, knowing I was being a tease. He seemed a little nervous but he couldn't look away. "I have chest tattoos too you know" Wondering how far I could take this, or how far Richard would let me take it. So far, no arguments.

His cheeks flushed. "Oh? I don't believe I saw them before" Richard says bravely. He seemed torn, like he didn't want to sound like a weirdo but he also wanted to have his way with me in the most primal way. This was too much fun. I pull the neckline of the shirt down to exhibit my "chest tattoos", which were situated along my collarbones and trickled down between my breasts and finished under them. It was an intricate gothic chandelier design featuring a goat skull, lace, crystals and a pentagram. It was a beautiful design, but I'd be lying if I said my boobs weren't the star of the show right now. 

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