Feuerräder Pt. 3

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"On your knees" He commanded, grabbing the back of my harness roughly and pulling me up. I didn't make a sound as he held me against him and moved the plug around. I felt it shift pleasurably inside me and I couldn't help grinding my hips. He soon stopped and his hand creeped around to my pussy. He slid a finger inside me and I had to bite my tongue to fight back a moan. 

He let go of me and I sank down to my knees and bowed my head as a sign of submission. He quickly buckle the collar around my neck and made quick work of the gag. I wiggled my jaw to settle the ring and felt it comfortably settle in my mouth. He buckled the cuffs around my wrists and ankles but only secured my wrists at the back. My chest was now bared to him.

He dragged me on my knees by the harness to a spot on the floor I knew very well. Just above this particularly worn spot, was high class suspension rigging bolted into the mahogany beams of the ceiling. There were several suspension points for all sorts of morbid fun.

There were straps and rings that hung down and with the right points selected on both the harness and the rigging, the act of suspending someone and pulling them up could be quite easy. I felt him thread one length of rope through several D-rings on the back of the harness. First were three points across my shoulder, two points at my waist and used another length at the two points at my hips and another two points across my thighs. I felt him pull on the rope as he prepared to thread the ends of the rope through the rigging.

He started to pull and I started to feel my body lift off the ground. He stopped pulling once I was at his eye level and knotted the rope in a way that made sure I wouldn't move. Next to be hoisted was the bottom part of my body. He clipped my ankles to other two points at my hips which meant I was completely bared to him, my thighs now forced apart by his calculated bondage.

I was hanging at an angle which meant my breasts were hanging enticingly out of my harness, hopefully tempting Richard. My back was arched in a way that presented my posterior very nicely, which is what I was sure he was going for. With the camera rolling, it was time to begin.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now