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15 minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I didn't even bother yelling the door was unlocked. Leah, Shannon and Jules walk into my place and dump their shit. "There's Jack Daniels over here" I say, cigarette dangling from my fingers. Jules jumped over the back of the couch and grabs the bottle, unscrewing the lid and taking a long swig before passing the bottle back to Shannon and Leah so they could have a drink too. "You look like shit" Shannon says, leaning over and kissing my cheek

I shake my head. "So I look how I feel" I laugh bitterly. Everyone sat down on the couch and grabbed a hand or wrapped an arm around me. "C'mon, what's going on and who am I killing?" Jules said, passing the bottle back to me. I abandoned my glass in favour of the now half empty bottle. I take a drag of my cigarette, offering my deck to my sisters. They each took one before throwing the pack back on the table.

"You'd think with two guys chasing me, I'd be a lot happier" I shrug, the boozy haze still swirling through my mind. "Don't need to ask who they are. What are you gonna do?" Shannon asked. I shrug again. "I don't know yet. I overheard a conversation between Richard and Till last night and everything they've said about not tying me down seemed to be one big lie" Fresh tears filled my eyes. "What do I do, guys? What have I gotten myself in to?" I look around at the girls I called my family.

Leah who'd been by my side since day dot and who I could never be too far from. Jules we'd picked up at a pro-choice rally and always knew exactly what to say with the wit and charm of the smoothest silver-tongue devil and Shannon, who might have been the quietest of the group but stood stronger in her beliefs than anyone I knew and had the biggest heart for the few she had time for. "Well how about we deal with the troubles later and we focus on just relaxing today. We've worked hard, surely it's time for a girls day off" Leah piped up. I half smile and hug her. The other girls wrapped their arms around me and held me in my time of need.

Now you might be wondering how a group of feminists spend a girls day. Surely not doing things other girly girls would be doing? Well, you're wrong. You bet your arse we busted out the nail polish and did each other's hair and make-up while watching dumb movies. First up was one of my all-time favourite movies, Better Than Chocolate. It follows the life of two lesbians in San Francisco and the lives of their friends.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now