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We all picked a colour "theme" to go with. I got blue, Leah got purple, Shannon got pink and Jules got gold. Leah painted my nails a beautiful royal blue "to match my eyes" while Shannon streaked some blue and black dye through my hair to match. Next, Jules did a blue, glittery "smoky-eye", poking fun at me while she did so, making me laugh and causing her hand to involuntarily move, messing up the design.

We let the dye sit in my hair as I did Leah's nail in a similar royal purple colour, Shannon bleached some streaks through her dark hair and put a hot purple colour through and Jules did her make-up except without the glitter. Shannon was the next victim while Jules wanted to go last. By the time the movie finished, we all looked like a horror show. Foils in our hair because of the dye, eyeliner that had gone astray, the odd smudged nail. But the girls had been caught up on everything, even the dirty little movie Richard and I had created last night.

"Kinda want to see it, kinda don't want to" Jules laughed, thinking it would be a laugh riot. "Yeah I agree" Leah nodded. I look at Shannon. "Well what about you? Want to watch a porno" I laughed. "Duh. I have to see this shit. Who doesn't want to see their vocalist get the shit kicked out of them" Shannon smirked as she laughed.

So we gathered around my phone and we watched the highlights. "Jesus Christ those are gonna leave some scars" Jules said as first blood is drawn. "Damn he really worked you over" Shannon agreed with sympathy. "If you think those are bad, you should see the scars across my heart" I joke bitterly as I turn my phone off. "Ok hot mess, time to get that dye out" Jules said changing the subject, grabbing me under my arms and hauling me up. I throw an arm around her shoulders and let her lead me to the bathroom.

"Do you want us to stay over?" Jules says once she closes the door. "I'm not gonna kick you guys out" I slur, getting down on my knees and leaning over the bath. Jules grabs the jug I keep under the sink, fills it and starts rinsing the dye out. "I personally don't want to leave you alone right now" Jules says, running a hand through my hair. "I'll order pizza later or something then. You guys knows the drill. Pass out wherever you want" I close my eyes. Shannon pokes her head in and says she's not leaving either. "Me neither. I'll get the pizza" Leah offers. I smile. "You guys are the best" I say as Shannon hands me the dregs of Jack and I down it. 

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя