Te Quiero Puta

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Blunt finished, fresh one rolled, it was time for the game to begin. Led Zeppelin playing in the background, sunlight trying to get through the blinds to spoil the moment. He started out slow, kissing my bruising lips, caressing my cheek with such tenderness. His kiss began to trail down my cheek, down my jaw, to my neck where I'm sure there were a million hickeys and bite marks.

I took a drag of the fresh blunt and exhaled the smoke, watching it swirl around the room. Everything was beginning to look hazy but feel so good. Led Zeppelin was melting in my ear drums, Till was all but worshipping me. I pushed Till off me and on to the mattress, pinning him down with my hips. I started to grind and within seconds he was ready to go. I put the blunt between his lips and slipped him inside me. His member, familiar as it was, still made me gasp. And given how many times we'd fucked; I was definitely feeling it.

I slid up and down slowly, leaning back. Taking nice, long, lazy strokes. Making sure I took my sweet-ass time. The blunt was passed back and forth a few times before Till decided to take the reins. He held on to my thighs as he carefully flipped me on my back and continued the rhythm I had started.

The sight of his body was really something else. He was built solid; with a broad, slightly hairy chest and solid looking arms I'd love to be held in. And held down by. His torso was tight and sculpted by God himself. And his thighs, were magical. Keeping just the right pace and time, never buckling. I was practically drooling while I was taking him in.

I rolled over and wiggled my behind suggestively at him. Sure enough, he hands me what was nearly just a roach, grabs my hips and continues to pound and grind at just the right pace. I was feeling warm all over. I take the last drag before butting it out. Till leans back, still sliding in and out of me languidly. The heat began to build, and build. There was something different about this. Like there was less aggressive fucking and a little more care and affection. Till pulls me up and back against his torso, running his hands up and down my body pressed against his own. His hand slowly makes its way down my stomach, past my hips and he begins to flick and play.

I moan loudly at his touch, the heat threatening to spill. One of his other hands found my boob and started pinching and pulling my nipple, which received another loud moan. God his touch was irresistible. The man could've asked me to rob a bank and I would say "Yes, sir". Sure enough, the fire runneth over and I cried out my orgasm as the shakes and shudders took over. I writhed against him and groaned as he came just after me.

"Oh, my god" I panted, flopping over. "I feel like we might need to have another shower" Till laughed, rolling over to the other side of the bed. "Probably, after I sleep though" I say as I roll over towards Till, adjusting the covers over the top of me. "So, tell me. Does the man who bent over his own keyboardist and fucked him on stage cuddle or is that for losers?" I giggle into the sheets. "It all depends on the lady I'm with" He inched in closer. "I asked you first" I look into his beautiful eyes. "...Only if I get to wrap you up in my arms" He grins and leans in for one last kiss as I nestle my tiny frame against his broad, buff body and soon drifted off to sleep.

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now