Feuerräder Pt. 6

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I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter. He took his shirt off and I was in awe. Till was a broad, tall, solid guy. Richard on the other hand was a little smaller, nearly...lithe. But his body was still gorgeous to me, a deadly weapon.

Every rock-hard surface, every valley, every ridge I drank in with lust. He stood in front of me, his forehead resting against mine, his fingers quickening between my legs. "You're not allowed to come yet" He growls at me before claiming my lips. He nibbled my bottom lip, pulses of pleasure raking my body. He pulled his hand away, much to my dismay and relief.

He moved behind me and I felt him mess around with my rigging. My bottom bonds went slack before being hoisted up a little higher. "Is that ok?" He asked, rope-in-hand and ready to lower me if I said no. I nodded my head and the rope was knotted, my bondage secure once again.

I hear the crinkling of foil before he says, "I don't think we'll need lube. You've made such a mess of yourself" He states in mock disapproval. I reply with a wanton wiggle of my hips. His hand graces my butt with a hard slap that nearly echoed as it bounced off the walls. "Don't get smart now or I'll deprive you of your release for longer" He threatens.

I stop and he slides himself inside me. I squeak. The fullness of both him and the plug was getting too much. "Don't" Another threat. "Please?" I ask panting, a fire building higher and higher in the pit of my belly. "Ask me nicely and I'll consider it" He asked, using languid thrusts, making me teeter on the edge.

"Please...let me come, sir" I cry. His hands creep up my ribs towards my breasts, pulling on the chain, making them tighter. I bite my lip. "I don't know..."He trails off as he brushes his fingertips over my bulging nipples. "Please? I won't last much longer" I grit my teeth. He stops for a moment. "Now" He whispers in my ears. With one almighty thrust, I fall over the edge, again and again. 

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now