Kuss Mich

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We get back to the hotel and within five minutes, it's anarchy. The music was pumping, the drinks were flowing and I was having the time of my life. I had a German god bending to my every need. When my glass was empty, it was instantly refilled. When the joint got passed around, I was given first dibs. After a while, I ended up sitting on Till's lap, he could barely keep his hands off me. I felt so alluring. 

The way his hands ran up and down my waist, the way he was kissing my neck. My bandmates had settled in with the guys of their choice. Leah was with Paul, Shannon was with Schneider and Jules was with Oliver. Richard and, true to his name, Flake, had piked out and were out at a local bar. I rolled over to straddle Till's waist, deepening the moment. He looked semi surprised but didn't argue. I could feel his hardness through the leather of his pants and the denim of my own. My skin was on fire for his touch. I look him in the eye and leaned in for our first kiss. Electricity exploded and I gasped for air. His hand caress the back of my neck and his other arm held me around my waist. His tongue made itself known in the best way possible.

I felt fused to him and never wanted to part. He held me down with such force and such passion that I could barely contain myself. "Till I-" He put a finger to my lips. "I don't want this night to end either" The side of his soft lips lifted into a half smile. There was something in his eyes that no man had ever shown me before. Was it...wonder? Amazement? Was he bewitched by me? I had no idea, but I'm sure I'd enjoy finding out. I started to grind my hips against his and he met my rhythm. His hands trailed down to my hips and he gripped on as if his life depended on it. "Should we get out of here?" I purred in his ear, nipping at his neck. "Should we make this a little more interesting?" Till raised an eyebrow at me. I was hoping he'd suggest something extra kinky. I didn't know what, but after all the stories I'd heard, I hoped it would be something wild and memorable. What did he have in mind?

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now