Feuerräder Pt. 1

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We got everything back to my place and binge watched movies. My b-grade movie collection was definitely what could've been classed as extensive. From sub-par slashers to terrible thrillers, I had it all. I figured since we were eating dinner that Eat would be a good start. It was a movie about a woman with a disease called autophagia which compels her to eat herself. So y'know, good romance movie.

We started out at nearly opposite ends of the couch but by the time the movie was over, I was in his arms. Not out of fear, more out of deviance. I mean, isn't this what watching movies with your lover is all about? Putting on a "scary" movie to have an excuse to inch closer and closer until.

"So what next? I'm sure I have a movie that can trump a psychotic eating disorder" I turn to Richard. "I bet I have a better one in mind" Richard smiled wryly at me. I was intrigued. The look on his face was suggesting something devilish and I had to know what. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?" I run my hand down his thigh towards his knee. He stopped my hand by grabbing my wrist and bringing it back up slowly before letting go.

"I know you're not that innocent" Richard said as his hand trailed up to my neck. And the penny drops. "Ahhh you're suggesting a home movie?" I raise an eyebrow. He shrugged. "I'm down if you are" Richard said, kissing my neck. I straddle his lap, much like at the party when I was with Till, and wonder if I'll see his sadist streak tonight.

He kissed me with ferocity that made me blush. The way he cupped the back of my neck felt as if he were trying to say he'll claim me, after taking his sweet time tormenting me. There was a certain dangerous air about him that I just couldn't shy away from. He tilted my head to the side and trickled nips down my neck, his bites layering over Till's.

I moaned in pleasurable pain as he laid down a hard blow across my left butt cheek. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He whispered in my ear. I nod and say he can use my phone. He held on to my thighs and picked me up. I let out a yelp and giggle at the gesture as he carried me through the bedroom door that led off the lounge area.

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