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The next few weeks were a hazy, sexy blur. Kiss This continued to support Rammstein on tour, but backstage? I had two of the most gorgeous men to enjoy. I was living the rockstar life. Sleep all day, rock out at night and then get blitzed at the afterparty. Sex, booze, drugs, I was on top of the world. I was penning some lyrics one day when I get a phone call.


"Hey sexy"

His deep voice blesses my ears and I smile, feeling warm and fuzzy.

"Hey sexy yourself. How can I help you?"

"So cold and direct, you break my heart"

I can hear the smile in his voice.

"I thought you krauts enjoyed bluntness"

"This is true. I was wondering what you were doing tonight?"

I think for a second and wonder...

"Only plan revolved around my guitar and a notebook. What did you have in mind?"

My heart was in my throat, my stomach was fluttering.

"Well, since I don't have a stage to dominate tonight, I thought I could take a beautiful woman out on a date. Have anyone in mind?"

I chuckle.

"Yeah I know someone. She's 5'3, blonde, is the frontwoman of a heavy metal band. Does she sound like your type?"

His laugh was like velvet.

"She sounds perfect. I'll come and pick you up at 6?"

"6? Damn that's pretty early. I can swing that"

"Trust me, I have a great night planned. I'll see you at 6"

The line goes dead.

Well fuck me. A date with one of the sexiest men I've ever known. The more we spent time together, the less he became some famous rockstar and the more he became sweet Till, the beautiful man who cared about me. Shit, I looked at the clock. 4pm. I had two hours to pick a killer outfit and do my face.

In the end, I decided on a thigh length, long sleeved, low cut black velvet dress that had studs down the sleeves, ripped fishnets, my best studded leather jacket and my trusty Doc Martens with something a little special underneath. My long blonde locks were straightened and teased for volume. My make-up was a basic smoky eye with a crimson lip. I was ready...with 15 minutes to spare.

I was full of nerves; my stomach was in knots. This was like stage fright but a million times worse. I mean, if a thousand strangers boo you off stage, yeah it sucks but they're just strangers. This was real life; I liked this guy. What if he changed his mind?

Der Perfekte Drier (The Perfect Threesome) - A Rammstein FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now