Chapter 16. First Steps.

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The next day, ships begin to dock at the port, so many that it prompted an emergency expansion of the docks. Jordan and his team call for materials to be flown in from Kanto. Together with the local dockworkers, they expand the dock from accommodating five ships to accommodating twenty-five. Ivory and Jenny walk around survying the construction.

"This is insane! How many more ships do they expect?" Jenny asks.

Ivory shrugs.

"At least thirty, which, if we are lucky, we will be ready for." Jordan replies.

Ivory glances around. "And you will be assisting Jenny and the Pokemon Center, right?"

"My word is my bond, dear Professor. Besides, it is in my best interest to help." Jordan says with a smile.

Dan, the Poke-mart shop keeper walks by and stops. "Well well, Ivory and Jenny. What brings you out to the....." Dan stops and stares at the docks. "What is happening here?!"

Jordan looks confused at the sudden appearance of Dan. "Forgive me, I don't think I caught your name, good sir?"

"My name is Dan, I run the Poke-mart on the island." Dan replies.

"Oh, good!" Jordan exclaims pointing to a nearby ship. "I have a special shipment for you."

"My apologies for rudely interrupting. Who are you?" Dan asks.

Ivory steps forward. "This is Jordan, President and CEO of The Pokemon League."

Dan steps back a bit. "Does this mean the rumors are true? We are hosting a tournament on the island?"

"How did you hear about that?" Jordan asks.

Dan pulls out a flier and presents it. "These fliers popped up all over the town overnight."

Jordan smiles. "They act fast." he mumbles to himself.

Dan looks at the ship. "I best be off, I probably have a lot of work to do."

Jordan waves to a young man to come to him. "This is Jacob, he will assist you."

Jacob walks up and bows slightly. He and Dan walk off towards the ship.

Ivory turns back to Jordan. "Full of surprises, Mr. President."

Jordan smiles. "Perhaps you would allow me a momentary distraction, later this evening perhaps?"

Jenny begins to back away. "I best be getting back to my patrols./

"My staff will be along shortly to report to you, Officer." Jordan waves.

Jenny smiles and walks away.

Ivory looks nervously for a way out of the conversation but finally sighs. "Dinner?"

"That was the idea." Jordan smiles.

"Fine, at eight o'clock, there is a nice restaurant near these docks, I will meet you there." Ivory smiles shyly.

"Excellent, I will make the reservation and see you there." Jordan bows then turns back to his work.

Ivory hurries away, face blushing wildly. "Why did I agree to that?" She asks herself.

Elsewhere, David and Kyla begin to incorporate their new temporary staff members and get them settled in.

As things quiet down David turns to Kyla. "I have not received any more reports of attacks in town since the Hitmonlee incident. However, I am worried that I have not seen Blare in awhile. Do you know where she is?"

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