Part 2, Chapter 32. Battle Tower, Bracket J.

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Opening day, of J bracket's battles, Kyla meets Deanna at the stadium door.

Deanna seems distracted when she first walks up, but quickly become attentive seeing Kyla. "Miss Kyla! What.. are you doing here?"

Kyla pulls out the application. "I see you have big plans for your future."

Deanna instantly recognizes the application and blushes wildly. "I.. uh.. well..!"

Kyla puts it away and puts her hand on Deanna's shoulder. "As your future boss and a ranking member of the Pokemon League, I could give the final signature and approve this application."

"There is a but, isn't there..?" Deanna asks.

Kyla nods. "You want to be a Poketech, right?"

Deanna shyly nods. "Just like you."

Kyla's expression changes to one of stern seriousness. "As a Poketech, you are responsible for an entire region, the wellbeing of the wild Pokemon, trainers, and their Pokemon while in that region. Not to mention, in a way, the security of any Pokemon League property."

Deanna slowly begins to hang her head. "You don't think I can do it.."

Kyla shakes her head. "Look at me, sweety."

Deanna glances up.

"I am so very proud you want to follow in my footsteps, but it is also a lot to handle. So, I will make you a deal. Take first place in bracket J and I will personally endorse your application." Kyla says, patting her on the shoulder.

Deanna begins to smile, but then looks at the door with a worried expression.

Kyla leans slightly to make eye contact. "I know you can do it." Kyla gives her a hug. "You are going to win."

Deanna hugs her back. "Thank you, miss Kyla."

Kyla laughs, pulling away. "Just call me Kyla."

They part, as Deanna begins through the door.

"We will be cheering for you! Kick some ass!" Kyla exclaims waving.

Deanna walks out, onto the field. The crowd cheers loudly. Deanna puts her hands up to her face to block the blinding lights. She loks around, realizing she is standing beside six other trainers. 

"Only seven of us?" She asks.

A guy, next to her, turns and looks at her. "Apparently we are the only ones in this bracket."

Another guy yawns. "That is what we get for getting a late start."

One of the girls in line crosses her arms. "I heard it was Team Rocket's fault we couldn't complete our gym tour. I don't see why we are being punished for it!" 

One of the previous guys glares at her. "Hush up, princess. I will be kicking you out here very soon."

The previous girl glares back at him and then begins laughing. "I would like to see you try!"

Deanna looks nervously at the other five, jumping when the announcement begins.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to bracket J and the first battles of The Battle Tower!" Jordan's voice booms across the speaker system.

"We have seven competitors! Competitors draw numbers from the box presented to you!" David's voice adds.

Kate wheels a box out as each trainer draws a number and shows it to her.

Kyla joins Blare and Clare in the stands. "Hey, Clare, love the new look!"

Clare chuckles. "Thanks! Josh seems to like it too!"

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