Chapter 23. Tsunami

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As David and Kyla run in the Observatory, Ivory turns from talking with Jordan, Charles, and Kate. "We have a serious problem!"

"No... Ya think?!" Kate says sarcastically, as she turns to Jordan. "What do we have?"

Ivory looks annoyed as Kyla steps past her.

"Team Tsunami is attempting to take out the island with a massive hurricane. We believe they are using a large group of Gyarados and Milotic to conjure it." Jordan explains.

"So, electricity is our best strategy." David pulls out a Pokeball.

Kyla glances at David. "That and Ice." She turns back to Jordan. "How many Mr. Mimes do you have?"

Jordan smiles. "Already ahead of you, the Mr. Mimes are already around the island, constructing barriers."

Kyla nods. "Good, then let's get started." As she says that, one of her Pokeballs shakes violently.

As she opens it, Chaz pops out, intense determination in his eyes.

"You sure?" Kyla asks.

Chaz nods, an angry gleam in his eyes.

David walks up to Chaz and lightly puts his hand on his shoulder. "Aren't you going to be weak to water attacks, buddy?"

Chaz glances at him and then grunts to Kyla.

"Yeah, I'm good for it." Kyla nods.

They start to leave, but Kate stops them. "Would you like help?"

Kyla and David look at her and nod as they run outside.

They stop outside the door as David puts his figure to his lips. "No one ever knows about this, okay?"

Kyla smiles. "What? Affraid everyone will know you are awesome?!"

David chuckles as he throws his Pokeball, and out pops a Zapdos. Zapdos peers around the island, spotting the circle of Gyarados and Milotic. She roars as lightning feels the sky, in absolute defiance.

"More than you know." David says softly to Kyla. "ZAPDOS, destroy my enemies and leave none in your wake!" 

Zapdos looks at him as her eyes glow yellow and she flys higher into the sky.

Kyla turns to Chaz. "Ready?!"

Chaz stands still, despite the heavy wind and rain.

Kyla raises her arm. "Let's go, Mega Evolution!"

Chaz glows wildly, as light shots out across the sea, grabbing the attention of the Gyarados and Milotic. Chaz grows and emerges, wreathed in black flames. He roars, shaking the island and the surrounding sea.

Kate smiles wide. "That's hot."

"Keep it in your pants, Kate!" Kyla glances at her angerly. "Go get them, bro, we have your back." Kyla pats him on the shoulder.

Chaz nods and takes off.

Kyla turns and opens two more Pokeballs. Out pops Misdreavus and Snorlax. "Misdreavus, go help the Mr. Mimes. Snorlax, take Lapras and build a barrier of ice around the island." Kyla hands his Lapras' Pokeball.

They both nod and run off.

David chuckles. "Nice use of your Pokemon. Let's get moving."

As they run towards the nearest beach, another light feels the sky, as an Articuno hovers above the largest mountain on the island. It nods to a hooded figure and follows Chaz and Zapdos.

"Who was that?!" Kyla asks.

"Hermit." David answers, with a smile. David throws another Pokeball and out pops Dragonite. "Time for a distraction, Night!"

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