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We traveled around for the rest of the morning, stopping off at multiple places for the boys to do some promo work. They were just getting ready to leave for their last one of the day before we got to go to the hotel we were staying at for a few days.

"Boys can you do this one without me?" Matty asked
"Sure, we'll just tell them your on vocal rest for the show." The boys left, taking Jack, the driver and the rest of the people that were hanging around with them. I was annoyed at their stylist, she kept wondering on to the tour bus as far as I was aware, uninvited, the boys seemed friendly with her, she was part of the crowd that went out with them on their rare nights off on tour. I didn't like her, she didn't seem to like me either. William really didn't like her, he'd grumble "god she's back again, how much styling do they need! Max is going to go bald if she messes with his hair much more! She's looking at us funny again, look. What's her problem?" We'd laugh together watching their crew and warm up acts, He was annoyed not many of them spoke to me, I preferred it that way, sticking close to the boys and jack. Their stylist wasn't the only one that annoyed me, take today I'm clearly upset yet three of them wonder on to the bus, I was convinced I was their on tour entertainment the Jemima show.

Matty came and opened my curtain. "Hey Jemima, you ready for some big brother time?" I looked up and nodded at him, climbing out of my bunk grabbing my book and phone. Matty sat on one of the couch seats and I lay with my head on his lap letting him stroke and fiddle with my hair. "You still feeling sick?" I shrugged. "Has he rung yet?" I shook my head and a tear fell down my cheek, Matty wiped it away with his thumb gently "he will Jem, it's William! He's like an over keen puppy dog!" His comment made me giggle.

My phone pinged and I eagerly scrambled myself to a sitting position to see if it was William nearly dropping my phone in the process, it still wasn't. It was Peter, he had sent me a picture of the garden back in England, after Steve buried Arthur peter had planted a rose bush on top partly as a memorial and partly to stop the foxes digging him up, a thought that terrified me, the photo was of the rose bush with a little blue butterfly he had tied to it.

Peter: all done Em, I tidied our boys patch a little for you too x
Jemima: Thank you Petey, you get extra cuddles when I visit x
Peter: what do you mean extra! I get ALL the cuddles when you get here. X

"William?" Matty asked
"No Peter, I asked him to do something for me, he was just sending me a photo of it"
"Can I see?"
"No" I put my phone away quickly, laying back on Matty's lap and crying.
"Hey it's ok Jem, you're having a really rough day today huh, why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"
"I don't have the words" I told him, which was true I couldn't bring myself to say the words today I was just too sad. Words were failing me, stuck in my head enable to reach my mouth.
"Ok...well...I'm not sure what to do here, there's obviously something wrong. Did William do something? Are you fighting?" He asked, I shook my head.
"I just really need to talk to him, but he's too busy, he's ignoring me Matty." I cried harder into Matty lap.
"You're that desperate huh?" I nodded
"I really need him right now and he's not here and he's just avoiding me." I tried to steady my crying.

"'re not pregnant are you?" he asked putting his hand on my stomach and stroking it with his thumb.
"Are you sure? You're desperate to get hold of your boyfriend who's apparently uncharacteristically avoiding you, you're puking up, it's been days sis, don't think we haven't noticed, you're an emotional wreck and I can't remember the last time you had your period! I mean, I checked your case Jem, you're still fully stocked and you haven't asked me for any money to restock so obviously haven't used them in a while."
"Matty I'm not pregnant ok, no way, not possible. Stop going through my stuff, it's creepy!"
"Ok, I just thought I'd check, we still haven't really spoken about you and William or sex in general. There were no condoms in your bag either Jem which is either a good thing or a really bad thing depending on which way you look at it."

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