Breakfast dancing

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I fumbled my way down the stairs on hearing the door bell, confused as it was 7am on our first full day off after the tour. Usually a day spent doing nothing, seeing no one and sleeping a lot.
"Morning Matty" William greeted my blurry vision
"Dude, it's seven in the morning, why are you here?"
"My bans over, can I come in and see Jemima.....please" he shyly smiled asking politely, I shook my head stepping aside shutting the door again "is she okay? She's not answering her phone"
"Maybe because it's seven in the morning on our first bloody day off!" I complained

"JEM!" I called up the stairs "JEM! Williams here! JEMIMA!"
"She's not up yet" max appeared shirtless out of Jem's room ruffling his scruffy bed head "you never heard of lie ins? Or a decent an hour to knock on people's doors it's 7am! Who shows up at 7am unless they have to!"
"Sorry, I errr" he looked up at max suspiciously "I like the tattoos" he looked between us "she really appreciated the gesture. It meant a lot to her. She sent me photos. Father says I'm not allowed one even though I'm eighteen. May I wait Matty? I'm here now anyway."
"Sure kid" I yawned
"May I?" He pointed up the stairs towards Jem's door
"No, she didn't go to sleep with you if she wakes up with you she'll freak out" max complained

"What's going on?" Jem poked her head out of her door rubbing her sleepy eyes, wearing Max's I destroy silence T-shirt with a drum kit on it she'd bought for him as a belated birthday gift after we saw it in a market on tour.
"Morning baby, told you I'd be round early" William grinned happily
"William!" Jem gasped launching down the stairs
"Incoming mate" I warned William who put his bag down quickly opening his arms for Jem to launch herself into, missing the last two steps "I think she's pleased to see you kid"
"I missed you too baby" William planted a small kiss, pulling Max's shirt down to cover her butt discreetly, trying to save her modesty or keep the view of her underwear to himself "you want me to make you breakfast?"
"Hmmm too early, cuddles first" she cheekily giggled jumping down and pulling him up the stairs eagerly
"Door open!" I shouted up when I heard the door click shut "dude, I will kick you out! You're still on a sexy time ban after your boot of a car antics pal! Jemima put some bloody shorts on!"
"Oi you disrespectful shit, door open or get the fuck out!" Max ranted opening the door and flinging it wide open "hands where I can see them buddy!"
"Thanks max" I laughed shaking my head at him
"My pleasure" he huffed off to his room, presuming he'd been dumped again now William was back.

I went back to bed for another hour and half then got up smelling bacon cooking I made my way down stairs to see all the boys tucking into bacon sandwiches, Jem sitting on Williams lap.
"Morning Matty" Jem grinned
"Morning sis, you alright?"
"Yep, I made you one" she pushed a plate towards me "you boys don't need alarm cooks, just the smell of cooking bacon." She giggled
"Thanks where's yours?" She shook her head looking away, William whispering in her ear making her smile and nod. He lifted her off putting the kettle on, putting some bread in the toaster.
"Anyone else want tea?" He asked fetching two mugs then a few more when hands shot up. I watched him bustle around making himself at home brewing tea and coffee, buttering some toast for Jem offering her jam or marmite doing her one of each when she couldn't decide. "There you go baby"
"Thank you my sweet boy" she munched away "I want to re try marmalade, been craving marmalade this week"
"Craving?" I raised an eyebrow at her
"Do not start!" Jem pointed at me, William laughing

"Juice Emmy?" Max asked pouring himself a large glass then handing her one
"You know that tropical stuffs got a butt load of added sugar and sweeteners in it let alone additives and enumbers" milo warned him
"Shut up" he snapped pouring himself another glass
"Was just saying incase you didn't know! Sorry!" Milo tutted rolling his eyes. I gave max a sympathetic smile seeing him glancing at William clearly wondering if Jem had told him his secret or not. I presume she told him she knew by now from the look on his face. I'd heard his mum laying into him yesterday, he was visibly upset after she left sulking off to Jem's room once peter had disappeared, I'd left them to it last night, presuming they both needed one of their heartbeat cuddles. I don't know what it was about his ADHD but jackie had a huge hang up about it being public knowledge and making sure Max controlled it. The last few years we'd seen it take its toll on his mental health, he was constantly telling us how useless he was. Caring for Jem had given him a real confidence boost, she was good for him, she never failed to make him smile even on his down days.

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