Maybe we should give him a chance

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I watched my sister from the shadows beaming with pride, we'd been stalking her and her friends for two days, the boys or jack persuading me not to step in every time I wanted to, she'd been drinking but wasn't hammered. I'd regretted wanting to get a closer look when the pair snuck off to the car last night. As soon as I approached them the car started rocking and my body froze, Tom was flapping at me to retreat, I peeked in to see Williams naked butt, I was sure he saw me, Tom convinced me he hadn't because he didn't stop. Max was dragged away before he went and pounded on the car window. I spent hours complaining to the boys, discussing if I should have stepped in or not to stop it. Apart from the car, It was nice to see Jem being a normal teen for a change having fun with her friends, I'd got two texts from her with 'proof of life' cryptic photos saying she was ok and having fun. William seemed to be looking after her, I'd watched him step in a few times to stop peter doing something stupid.

"Dude we're gonna have to come clean, I think we've been spotted and thanks to Williams drunk posts people have figured out who jemima is the idiot! She's only going by her first name and most people think her names Em!" Ed was telling me
"Right, I'm still not sure how to play this"
"Let's go wait by peters car, look all moody to scare posh boy shitless!" Max clicked his finger at me "you can tell him you saw him screwing your little sister. He might actually wet his pants!"
"Ugh please shut up, I didn't see anything, just a flash of his bare back...maybe a butt cheek. He was just kissing her, I have to saying kinda sweetly, ugh no stop I don't want to think about it."
"He was doing more than kissing her and you know it!" Max tutted
We found the car and stood with our arms crossed looking pissed off and moody without even trying. Jack laughing at us taking photos until we cracked a smile.

"Oh god I'm a dead man" we heard William first
"shit Em! For god sake your brothers actually a pysco!" Peter whined loudly
"I got this" I heard Jem telling the group confidently, I rolled my eyes at Ed who tried to remain moody and not smile "Matttttyyyyyyy!" Jem ran over launching herself at me leaving me no choice but to catch her. "Hellloooo big bro"
"Oh no you don't" I unclamped her from me putting her down "you are in big trouble young lady, huge trouble!"
"Matty, you see me sing?" Jem batted her eyelids at me
"Did you like it? You proud of me Matty? You hear the one about you?"
"It was about me then" I smiled, milo coughed at me "I mean, Jemima, you can not run off with the boyfriend anytime you want to, I told you no!"

"Chill, she's fine and she kicked ass out there!" Peter whined at me "give her a break, can't she just have some fun!"
"Do not get me started on you! That bucket list is being burnt!"
"It's all up here Matty" peter smirked tapping his head "freedom of speech up here pal."
"Jemima, you can't keep doing this to me."
"Sorry Matty, I love you Matty" Jem batted her eyelashes again
"Stop it! And you!" I pointed at a very nervous looking William "you are banned from seeing or dating my sister! I warned you! It's over pal!"
"Matty, I looked after her!"
"he saw you looking after her last night pal" jack sniggered William going a pale shade of white looking at me like a scared rabbit about to get run over.

"Matty don't be mean!" Jem whined hugging Williams waist
"You've been drinking! And he smoked pot!"
"So did you at our age and them! Come on Matty I rocked out! Without a panic attack! Did you see me Matty?"
"Yes I saw you we've been here since yesterday Jem, come on we're leaving."
"Matty please I love her! I looked after her Matty!" William followed me when I grabbed Jem's arm pulling her away from him "be careful Matty, be gentle with her! Please."
"I am so annoyed with you william you'd better stay away from me right now!"
"But I got her meds in my bag, she'll need them!" He flustered over his bag

"Come on William you can come with us, I'm sure there is plenty of room, you can give Matty a full debrief."
"He's not coming!"
"Please Matty, I'm tired, can't we give him a lift home? I had a nice time and he really looked after me. He has videos for you."
"Can I Matty? Please?" William looked at me pleadingly
"Oi my turn remember!" Peter complained
"You've got to drive your dads car back! Idiot! Shut up!" William hissed under his breath
"Which you're deep cleaning dude!"
"It's fucking clean, shut up!" William slapped Peter's arm
"Matty, pleeeeeesssssseeee" Jem wiggled at me "you can complain at him the whole way"
"Jeez thanks baby" William laughed "you alright? You look pale. She's been okay Matty but I think she's spent now, couple of days rest now eh baby."

Keeping JemimaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang