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The boys calmed down a little bit , I was sure they had gone off in search of Freddie once they thought we couldn't see them, I don't think they found him, they walked past our room on mass grumbling loudly. William was upset and made me show him my phone replying to Freddie who had messaged me, William told him I wasn't interested and had a boyfriend asking him not to contact me again. He sat me down and explained that what we had was love not what Freddie offered me. I could see a difference. William went off to find peter, he wasn't happy with how he was joking and laughing about Freddie saying it wasn't appropriate and wasn't helping me see the truth and that it simply wasn't funny. He returned a little calmer, I wondered what peter had said.

we got ready to hit the club, I was nervous I hadn't been in so long, it was an underground club Felix had introduced us to before we even dated, where they couldn't give too hoots if you were underage or not. Somehow Matty and the boys managed to wrangle an invite and were now joining us, despite my protests! I couldn't argue with Matty too much, he was still seething about Freddie. I'd rather he was here with me than searching the hotel for Freddie.

I made peter promise me a thousand times that he was sure that wastelands weren't even in the country so wouldn't be there. Peter was annoyed and complaining the whole way there as I had dressed too 'plain Jane' for his liking despite William repeatedly telling him to shut up and that I looked beautiful. We made are way up to the secret door we knew all to well, I was surprised they instantly recognised us after all this time and waved us through after we had vouched for my brothers, who they had stopped stepping in behind us. I could see my brothers exchanging baffled looks, I think it was a strange experience for them relying on me to get in somewhere rather than the other way round and not being recognised and grated instant access to whatever they wanted.

We had got there early to make sure to bag a good spot, it was a strange type of place it had a typical bar, seating areas with couches and tables, some smaller tables and chairs near the front where there was a stage for live music as well as a DJ booth, then a large dance floor. The walls were covered in photographs from years gone past, we featured in a fair few. We walked the boys in pointing to the best seats that were still free where we would all fit,we were shimmying past the people lined up at the bar when I heard my name called making me spin round.
"Em! No way!" Aaron beamed wildly, engulfing me in a hug lifting me off the floor, the tattooed bar man had jumped over the bar enthusiastically to greet me as soon as he spotted us. "Long time no see!" he put me back on the floor and looked me over, I laughed and smiled
"Hey Aaron, Yeah I've been in Australia for over a year, living with my older brother now, that's him...Matty" I pointed and Matty raised a hand to wave at him as he took a armchair and flopped into it. 

Aaron walked me over to our favourite seats greeting Tammy and peter fondly. "No Felix tonight?" He asked looking around
"Oh no...we're not together anymore, not for a while now actually. Well Over a year nearly two."
"Makes sense, he's been in a few times with that band of his with some brunette, I thought he might be...well you know just being Felix" I nodded awkwardly clocking the boys listening in. "So you're single then? You're really done with him this time?" He asked quietly smiling at me fiddling with the ends of my hair, moving closer to me placing his hand on my waste, I blushed at the flirtation.
"Oh is my boyfriend William" I flapped my arms at William to join me quickly so he could save me from the advances. William jumped up snaking an arm round me.
"Ah I see, late to the party as always, shame." Aaron said taking a step back awkwardly and removing his hands from my hair and waist. "So Pete, usual all round? It's on me" He asked
"Hell yeah!" Peter exclaimed raising his arms up high
"No!" I quickly said "we're good thanks we'll sort ourselves out in a bit, we're still waiting for some people." Aaron nodded then went back to the bar, looking over at us every now and then, giving me a fond smile.

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