First fight

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I woke up the next morning in shorts and a T-shirt that I hadn't fallen asleep in, I looked at myself confused then saw William laying next to me smiling.

"Matty changed your clothes before he left last night, you were completely out of it again, didn't even stir. He made me go wait in the bathroom while he took your clothes off. I took your bra off once he'd gone, I hope you don't mind, I thought you'd be more comfortable, I had a little trouble but I got there in the end." William laughed, I smiled at him, blushing. "You're gonna have to tell him eventually you know, I don't think he's going to drop the subject now!" He swirled his finger on my stomach softly "He told me to sleep in the other bed unless you really needed me, I just messed it up so it looked like I'd slept in it."
"Don't I'm dreading that conversation, plus I don't want him going off at you or worse."
"You know I think he already knows, he just either doesn't want to admit it or is just looking for conformation. Maybe he thinks it's a new development or that we're planning on taking that step while I'm here maybe. I'm fully prepared to get a black eye from at least one if not all of them. you're seventeen soon, they can't really say much can they! we're not doing anything wrong Jemima."

"Anyway, how you feeling?"
"Starving" I stretched out yawning making William laugh, a sound I missed so much when he wasn't here, sometimes I'd phone him to tell him a really bad joke just so I could hear his laugh. He tentatively pushed strands of loose hair away from my face before kissing me affectionately. "What, I haven't eaten hardly anything all week and I up chucked everything yesterday! Actually I've been throwing up for like four days straight at least now, actually maybe longer I don't know, I think it was just the build up to yesterday, you know."
"I know, you're just so cute first thing in the morning, with your crazy bed head and sleepy eyes, I miss waking up next to you. I need to take a photo of your adorable morning face before I leave." He grinned kissing me more meaningfully, placing his hands in my hair.

"Hmm, now that does make me feel better" I hummed pulling him in for another kiss.
"Jemima are you really feeling better or are you just saying that because you want kisses? you know you can tell me if you still weren't feeling well, physically or mentally." He pulled away from me.
"William Higgs I wouldn't lie to you now would I. Yesterday was just difficult, but todays a new day." I beamed at him.

"Yes William" I sighed, I really just wanted him to stop bloody talking and kiss me.
"Are you sure you're not pregnant? You would tell me if you thought you were wouldn't you?"
"Oh my god! William don't you start!"
"You didn't answer my question Jemima!" He said more sternly.
"No I'm not pregnant ok! You sound like Matty! You're all making me feel really self conscious and fat!"
"Jemima my little pocket rocket you don't have a fat bone in your little body! But my sister...I know it's difficult to tell these things sometimes...when you have eating issues I mean, your cycles are all over the place right?"
"Just shut up and leave me alone!"

I stood up and huffed off to the bathroom slamming the door shut. I showered angrily getting myself ready for the day, I stepped out wrapping a towel round myself, returning to the bedroom to find William gone. Great our first fight and he just up and leaves, I should have known. I threw on a dress and some over the knee socks, dried my hair and pulled it up into a pony tale. There was a knock at the door and I huffed over to open it letting Matty in.

"Breakfast you two?...where's William?" He asked looking at the two beds checking if they'd been slept in as William had predicted.
"Your guess is good as mine"
"He left, Hey it's me you should know by now that people just fucking up and leave me!"
"Jemima what happened?"
"Nothing, I'm hungry, let's get food"
"Jemima what's going on? Did you have fight or something? Did he do something?"
"Seriously I'm hungry and I want to eat and you're stopping me from doing so, I can't make you boys out sometimes, one minute your telling me to eat more then you stop me from getting to the damn food!" I complained pulling on some pumps angrily.

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