Young love birds

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We were sat around the bus chilling, Jem and William taking some time away from us in the back room. Max in his usual position of staring at the closed door like a guard dog ready to pounce. The boys had started teasing him everytime he did it now, woofing at him like a dog, he was trying his best to get along with William but you could tell they still weren't friendly.

"Matty mate, can I have a word?" Jack sat cautiously opposite me
"Sure Jack, what's up" I put my book on ptsd down to give him my full attention
"It's about the young love birds, Am I ok?" Jack pointed at the boys
"Yeah mate, it's cool unless you're gonna tell me she's pregnant or he's done something stupid like cheated on her with a roadie, I noticed Freya's taken a shine to him" I laughed then looked at him thinking maybe he had.
"No Matty, not as far as I know, freya does like posh boy, I don't think he even knows that she exists though" he chuckled taking a seat with us, I let out a breath and waved for him to continue.

"He asked for my help with something that's all, security wise. I just felt like I should check with you first."
"Why's he getting involved with her security? it's got nothing to do with him! He's a bloody control freak! He doesn't leave her side as it is!" Max huffed annoyed
"No not like that, he's doing something special for her, but he wanted me to tag along, at least to some of it, for her security. Said he wanted to focus just on her so wanted a bodyguard, like you'd have me do."
"And why hasn't he said anything to me?"
"It's like a date Matty. A romantic one from what I can tell. when we hit France. I presume, well the overprotective big brother is hardly someone you plan these things with Matty! You know how shy he is, it took a lot to pluck up the courage to bloody ask me for help let alone you. I thought he was gonna faint on me, his palms were sweating!"
"Oh, I see, how romantic we talking here, you seem concerned jack, should I be concerned?"
"Full day out, sightseeing, that big art gallery I forget what it's called louve is it? Some fancy dance show thing, ballet I think, Then the Eiffel tower at night, then he ummm" he scratched his neck nervously "he's booked a fancy hotel for them. I'm just supposed to drop them off then disappear till the next day when I go pick them up."

"they share a hotel room most of the time?" Milo asked confused "whys he booked a different one?"
"I think...."
"He's booked some fancy expensive honeymoon suite at a posh hotel hasn't he?" I raised an eyebrow at jack "we crashed the birthday one he booked."
"Yeah, I'm not sure about the room itself, but I scoped out the hotel for security, it's super fancy Matty.looks really expensive."
"Ok, well, I mean, like milo said they share a room the majority of the time now. I'm not always in with them."
"Right right, I just wanted to check, cos like you say sometimes you share with them, or he kips in with me and you're in with her, not always but you know I errr I'm not sure what he has planned Matty.....unsupervised."

"Dude" I laughed "you worried about my sisters love life?"
"Well yeah!"
"Dude chill, I'm aware of the situation between them."
"Oh thank god" jack sighed out "I thought maybe, I don't know maybe this was the big romantic gesture to seal the deal or something."
"He's already sealed the deal mate" I patted his knee
"And you're cool with that?"
"Not really, but not much I can do about it is there. She's seventeen. I ban her from seeing him she'll just run off with him, you know what she's like! Would love to kick him off the tour and lock her in her room but I'm taking a different approach, Sandra's helping me."

"We all told him to put a stop to it!" Max huffed "so are they actually sleeping together now Matty?"
"Max I told you how she got those bruises!"
"No you said they 'fumbled'" Tom laughed "mate that's not the same thing!"
"I thought you'd read between the lines boys! It's not my place to tell you what they do, I'm not sure I want to know the details of what they do!"
"Well he's going all out Matty, said he wants to do something special for her, to make her feel...well special. It's a surprise."
"Maybe I'll check his plans, make sure he's not, I don't know doing anything weird."

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