Growls like a grizzly bear

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I left Jem on the phone talking to William about our visit to the house, giving her some privacy going to find Tom in his room, finding all the boys gathered obviously debriefing with each other over today, I smiled grateful for these four amazing boys that stuck by me no matter, they were always there when I needed them, I walked in flopping down on one of the beds.

"She ok?" Max asked, I shrugged, genuinely not knowing the answer "you ok?" I shook my head. "We're here Matty if you need anything, we're not sure what to do or say to either of you if we're being honest"
"Yeah mate that was intense for us, let alone you." Ed shook his head "we knew it was bad, but seeing it, seeing that kitchen table from that video footage man I nearly upchucked."
"I did, twice" I laughed sarcastically "god, I hate that man so much, I just want to rip his damn face off."
"You and us both Matty" milo agreed "Arthur's rose bush was nice though, as nice as these things can be I mean it's not nice, nice isn't the right word I guess."
"No nice is good mate. I think Arthur still effects her more than we realise, more than she's willing to talk about that's for sure, I mean she was so young boys, that's hard at any age but at thirteen! I should have been here"

"you know I stood outside that house must have been not long after she attempted suicide. I stood outside that house so many times when we toured here but that one time is haunting me right now."
"I remember mate, I had to come find you because you'd gone missing on us" Tom nudged me "we nearly went over and knocked on the door didn't we but then he showed up."
"I remember that, you met your mum for coffee right but she didn't bring Emmy, obviously! You left tickets for them at the O2 gig, but they never showed up. You smashed the dressing room up."
"That's the one. God we should have just barged our way in there Tom. I know the bastard saw me! He looked right at me and bloody smirked!"
"Would have been too late for Arthur though mate" Ed pointed out.
"You said you didn't want to get into an argument with him in front of your sister so we left. You stuck a letter through the door, I presume he tossed it rather than gave it to her." Tom tutted shaking his head "haunting me too mate, I was there too, two dumb teenagers, we should have got dad and barged our way in."

We sat showing each other the snaps we'd all taken from the park, laughing at my crazy fruit loop going from setting a duvet on fire to standing on a swing trying to go higher than me while hysterically laughing at milo getting dizzy on the roundabout and me having a heart attack at her hanging upside down practically, telling us its what her and peter used to do, hang upside and pretend to be bats, or Petey I'd noticed she called him as an affectionate nickname.

We sat showing each other the snaps we'd all taken from the park, laughing at my crazy fruit loop going from setting a duvet on fire to standing on a swing trying to go higher than me while hysterically laughing at milo getting dizzy on the rounda...

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"I got a good one of you two max if you want me to send it to you?" He nodded and I sent him the photo "what were you even doing?" I laughed
"Looking at the trees" he shrugged "she likes trees, I think they calm her mind, I see the appeal."


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