You're not keeping it

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We had a really fun time at the weird bubble festival, I think originally Jem wanted me to come on my own with her and her friends for some sibling bonding time but we ended up all going. The boys were keen to come and I couldn't say no, after all I'd asked them to take her on as a sister, I couldn't pick and choose when they were considered brothers or not. It  actually worked out well, we stopped for a few photographs and autographs, I was able to sneak away with Jem and her friends, the boys taking the brunt for me so I could actually have some proper sibling time. It was really nice to see Jem having a good time, she only had one wobble the entire weekend. She really wanted a bubble waffle ice cream thing, we queued for ages to get them, she'd been telling the boys the whole way there how much they were going to love them and that even jack and eggy who we bought along for security had to have one.

We were standing in line, Jem rabbiting excitedly away to max who she was telling that he could have his favourite gummy worms as a topping, the boys complaining telling her not to encourage him, candy and max was an explosive duo and his biggest weakness after coffee. When we got to the front of the line, I could feel Jem bouncing on her toes excitedly next to me, it's the first time I'd seen her actually excited about food. I watched her friends order then the boys, leaving us two till last, I looked down noticing she'd been quiet for a while noting the excitement had completely disappeared from her face. William scuttled over shoving his waffle creation in peters hand scooping her up of the ground telling me hurriedly "I have to get her out of here Matty, I've got my phone come find us" I watched confused as he hurried away with my sister in his arms, Jack chasing after them. I ordered my bubble waffle looking back at the large queue, Peter popping up beside me like a jack in the box asking if I needed help because he knew what his doodlebug usually had. I nodded thankful for the help and let him order paying then asked the boys to pick up my order so I could go find them.

I found them behind a balloon stand, the stall owner waving me over telling me they were out back. Jem was huddled in a ball in Williams arms while he rocked her on the floor, jack telling me the stall owner had spotted them and offered them access to his secluded stock space saying his daughter suffered from panic attacks.

"Kiddo?" I crouched cautiously going to touch her, she hummed and squirmed
"Matty don't touch her" William asked sharply, swatting my hand away
"Excuse me!"
"No I'm sorry I didn't mean....just give her a minute, please."
"I don't think she'd know it's you right now Matty she keeps calling him felix" jack whispered in my ear "think it's some kind of PTSD episode from what I can gather from those books you leant me and that info the a Doc gave us."
"Oh right okay" I backed off standing with jack watching on

"you read them then?"
"It's my job to look after her Matty, can't do that if I don't know what's going on can I" jack smiled at me "we've had a few chats, me and Jemima. I've not spoken to you about when I took her and the two boys to the house yet, it was.... intense. I'm sorry Matty."
"I know, it's haunting me a little if I'm honest."
"I can imagine, it made it all a little bit more real for me I think, made my skin crawl Matty. Your old bedroom, I'm so sorry mate. My heart broke for you as well as her."
"Yeah boys said the same." I nodded sadly

"Okay Matty" William called up to me softly so I rejoined him "I'm sorry I didn't mean to come off as rude I just didn't want it to escalate especially as we're in public with her famous brother, it draws attention to her when she's out with you boys as it is. Sorry Matty."
"No worries, you okay Jem? Was it the crowd?"
"The bubble waffle" William offered some insight
"Oh.....i've not stopped yapping about them, I got you one, Peter ordered for me."
"I really want one" Jem whispered not looking up from Williams chest, chewing on her fingers
"You can have one, no one said you couldn't Jem."
"Baby, just try, Max will eat it if you don't want it I'm sure, I've noticed he's got a sweet tooth."
"He sure has, to his detriment. You wanna tell me?"

Keeping JemimaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora