Wake up call

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A week later we were playing another gig, Jem was watching with jack, dancing around goofily with him, she didn't look as energetic as she usually did when she was watching us, usually she was like a mascot or cheerleader in the side wings loudly singing along, playing air guitar or doing impressions of max's energetic drumming. Jack and Jem had struck up a sweet friendship during the tour and she sometimes called him 'uncle jack', I'd taken him to one side and told him I didn't have a problem with it, he seemed pleased, he'd become just as protective over her as we had after I'd filled him in on all the details and it was comforting to know she was safe in his hands when I wasn't there.

Jem completely shut down after that day on the bus and I hadn't managed to get her to open up again since despite trying all the tips from my books and ringing Sandra for advice. I was giving it till the end of the week then asking our road manager to find a doctor thinking maybe she had a virus, it wasn't the first time she'd told she didn't feel right since this blasted tour started. Thoughts of Vanessa and how they had picked it up too late plagued my thoughts daily, I'd woken in a cold sweat several times this week.

It was the last song of the night, one of Jem's favourite, we put our all into this song for her each night, I looked over to smile at her like I always did, I liked seeing her singing my lyrics loudly with pride sprawled across her face. I'd wished for many years hoping to see her face in the crowd at a concert, this right here, having her watch me perform knowing she was here with me was like a dream come true for me, no amount of fame, money or musical achievement could beat seeing my sister waiting for me at the side of the stage, it was worth more than gold, I realised this week while I was worrying about her health that I would walk away from it all for her, with out a single regret.

I became concerned when I looked across the stage to see jack looking uneasily over at me, I furrowed my eyebrows at him continuing to sing and play. I scanned for Jem seeing her holding herself up against the wall with jack going over placing a hand on her back, then bam she went down like a sack of bricks Jack catching her head in his hands before she cracked it on the ground.  I ran off stage mid song chucking my guitar at tech, with the boys staring at me, Milo taking over my singing parts to finish the song.
"Jack what happened?" I panicked dropping to my knees next to jack who was shaking Jem
"She was fine, she's was fine Matty I swear then she said she didn't feel well, then she just blacked out, she's not waking up Matty!"
"Shit! Jem...Jem.." I started to stroke her hair but she wasn't responding at all. Jack carried her to the dressing room and laid her down on the couch then asked the venue staff to call an ambulance.

The boys came rushing in after finishing the set, looking just as panicked as I was currently feeling.
"What happened?" Tom panted
"I don't know she's out cold, she won't wake up"
"Emmy baby wake up" max stroked her hair talking close to her ear, 'baby' I thought to myself why was he calling her baby, he never called her that, William called her that! "Em, Emmy open your eyes, it's max, open your eyes....please Emmy open your eyes, please, please no, come on Emmy please" he started to cry while desperately pleading with an unconscious Jem. "Why is she wheezing! she's bloody freezing cold! Emmy open your eyes please open them for me please, no no no please no, Matty! Somethings wrong! Do something!"
"Max just give her some air" Ed tried to move him back, he refused pushing Ed away, a medic from the venue appeared and placed a cold cloth on her head.

"What happened?"
"She just collapsed, her breathing sounds weird. She's not been feeling well for weeks but nothing specific."
"Ok sweetie open your eyes for me" she shook her lightly and Jem stirred a little
"Jem it's Matty wake up come on, please for me, I can't loose you now, I love you Jem please, come on."
Jem opened her eyes blinking a few times. "What happened? Where am I?"
"You collapsed"
"Ahhhh" she grabbed her arm crying out in pain.
"Okay sweetie the ambulance is on the way just lay still for me, show me where it hurts.....any chance she's pregnant?" The woman looked directly at me.
"I'm her brother! I'm not a fucking pervert!" I protested in disbelief and disgust at thought of someone thinking I'd impregnated my own little sister!
"Matty she wasn't implying you mate! I don't think so but she does has a steady but long distance boyfriend, I'm not sure if they're sexually active or not though" Tom told the woman and she nodded, I hadn't told the boys about my chat with Jem about William, wanting to keep her trust on the matter and I still needed to speak to William one on one. He'd been avoiding being alone with me since I found out he was sleeping with my fragile little sister.

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