You're my priority

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They kept me in over night, much to my annoyance. I protested to no avail, Matty and Tom stayed with me and were sleeping in two chairs, one next to the window, one next to my bed. They looked uncomfortable but were out for the count. They worked hard and it was full on non stop for the most part. I was so cold, shivering clutching the blanket, I couldn't take it any more so I leant over and started to poke my sleeping brother.

"Matty...Matty..Matthew!" I whispered while poking him with my icy finger.
"Huh What....Jem...What..I'm here" he panicked sitting bolt up right rubbing his eyes. "What happened I'll get a nurse" he shot out of his chair.
"No matty, Wait"
"Huh? But.."
"I'm cold Matty" I whined pulling the blankets tighter to my body.
Matty placed his hand on my back to investigate "your shivering kiddo" he stood for a while contemplating his options "scooch up sis" he instructed laying on the bed next to me, he wrapped an arm around me and I instantly felt warmer snuggled into is warm body."better?" I nodded in to his chest.

We fell back asleep in that position and were woken up by a stern nurse in the morning, telling Matty off and Tom sniggering in the corner of the room. Matty got off the bed sheepishly, I think he was a little scared of the stern older looking nurse with a moustache and evil villain eyebrows, she certainly wasn't the nice nurse we met yesterday. She carried out her checks mumbling to herself as she did.

"I don't know the youth of today!" She was complaining to herself, I tried to hold in a smile but my brothers were also doing the same which made all three of us unable to. "I mean can't you wait till you get her home, it's a hospital for Christ sake" I looked puzzled at my brother who shrugged at me. "Right day nurse should be here soon, I'm off, young man try and keep your hands to yourself until you get your girlfriend home, she in no state for you to be all over her" I burst out laughing making the nurse tut and leave annoyed, Matty stood there wanting to say something to her but no words came out of his mouth.

"Ewww bro!" I protested making Tom join my laughter
"Shut up Jem, eww she, Oh my god I feel sick" he said holding his head in his hands making Tom and me laugh harder at him.
"Maybe she thought Tom was you, she needs glasses I could be your love child I look so much like you" I joked
"Jem, that's not any better, Shut up!" My brother protested sitting back on the bed "it's good to see you smiling though" he kissed my forehead "you still cold?" I nodded and Tom handed me his hoodie.

"Here sis" he offered then looked awkward, it's the first time he's called me sis out loud, he refers to me as his sister in his media posts or in writing, but he's never said it to me out loud before, not in a serious way, definitely not in front of Matty who he was looking at waiting to be told off.
"Thanks big bro" I smiled at him, Matty looked at me then him.
"Thanks dude" he fist bumped him, Tom still looked awkward and unsure "Tom it's fine" Matty patted his arm "you're family little bro" they had a bro hug for a few minutes while I watched them, I know Tom's family had taken Matty under their wing and they really were like brothers, it was a nice feeling that Tom regarded me as part of his family too, I liked knowing that Matty was looked after well while we were apart it was comforting to know.

after a while I cleared my throat at them. "Uh hmm where's mine?" I complained opening my arms to my brothers, Tom rushed over hugging me close, Matty hugging us both. "Watch the wires!" I protested "when can I take these blasted things off Matty, I feel better, honestly I do."
"I'll ask when they come in ok little one"
"Hey I'm seventeen, I'm not little"
"You're our tiny little short stop" Tom laughed ruffling my hair.
"I'll just have to start wearing really big heels then!" I huffed

The nurse came in with breakfast, which I apparently had to eat with a whole bunch of vitamins and my first calorie drink. I sat poking at the porridge looking at it closely, it was reminding me of Matty's porridge from his last day in England before he left, Steve left it on the side for days as a reminder then made me eat the dried up remains when I'd asked when my Matty was coming home. I wanted to clean his favourite ninja turtle bowl for him, at that point I still hadn't realised he wasn't coming back anytime soon. I kept saying that my Matty's gone on holiday to see the kangaroos to anybody that asked. Four year old me was delusional apparently.

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