Can I stay tonight?

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I was so bored being grounded but it was nice spending time with just the boys, even though I was missing William, Matty wouldn't even let me text him! The parents flew over for the last show of the tour, it was good to see some familiar faces and to have some company in my solitary confinement. The boys crew didn't really speak to me other than to be polite, I felt like a third wheel most of the time.

I braved watching the show from front of house with the families, standing between Tom's parents Sandra and Ralph. I was nervous, the crowd was loud and rowdy and there was just so many of them. I knew they'd be taking photos of me and filming, the last thing I wanted was to show the boys up or distract them from performing if I had a panic attack. Milo had gone and bought me sound blockers to wear doodling all over them the same as my suitcase, doodlephones he had named them. I was a little self conscious wearing them out front where everyone could see me.  Max pulled me aside before we went to take our seats telling me I looked adorable and if it's what I need to be able to feel safe then stuff anyone else's opinion. I sat waiting watching the warm up acts who I'd gotten to know a little but not much, Matty said they weren't overly friendly with them, they were two new acts on the same label, so I hadn't bothered making an effort, they hadn't either but maybe they felt awkward being on tour with a sick girl or were scared of Matty who scowled suspiciously at any Male that spoke to me. Ralph took hold of my hand gently but firmly in his when the crowd started getting rowdy and excited in anticipation for the boys.

I'd settled into the performance after a few songs, I got up to dance and sing along with Ed's brother and his girlfriend who had tagged along, I got a little upset at some fan girls shouting at us, telling me I'd ruined the boys tour by being an attention seeking brat who clearly wasn't ill and had been faking it to keep them away from the fans. When they started shouting names and insults Ralph went over having a word with security who told them to simmer down or they'd be removed, I could see the boys watching looking annoyed and concerned.

It was the encore and I was so chuffed with myself for making it through the whole show staying out front, Matty stepped up to his mic addressing the crowd telling them to simmer down. "Just want to say a massive thank you to all you amazing fans, we wouldn't be here today without you're amazing support, you rock!" He expertly rilled the crowd up into a frenzy "all of you here tonight know how tough the last few years have been for me. I want to thank these four boys, for sticking by me through thick and thin, my brothers I love you!" The crowd went wild again, Sandra speaking into my sound blockers telling me their fans always went crazy when they referred to themselves as family or brothers. "For a long long time there was something missing in my life, I'm so fucking happy to say that I finally got what I've wanted for years, I got my sister back" he looked over at me, I wanted the ground to swallow me whole "this tour has been the hardest we've ever done and we got to share it with the girl that completes us, my amazing, strong, courageous, beautiful little sister, Jemima Miller! Love you sis!" He pointed at me making a heart with his hands.
"Give it up for unconditional love people!" Tom yelled into his mic "we love you all, thank you Goodnight! We'll be back soon with some rocking new music for you all."
"Until then peace, love and rock on!" Max whooped into his mic standing up on his drum stool making a rock and roll sign. I cheered loudly along with the crowd at Max's signature line and end to a show, making one back at him with all the fans.
"This ones for you sis" Ed looked at me winking
"This is our new single" milo added "for our beautiful Em! This ones for you kid, we want to hear you all singing loud and proud for Em! Raise the roof and rock this joint people! Take it away Matty! Let's end this thing on a massive high!"

I danced happily along to their new single that Matty had written for me back in Australia and they'd released a few weeks ago, I sang along with the crowd loudly, Sandra filming me for Matty. I pulled jack over to dance with me doing our air guitar and air drums like we usually did in the side wings. We rushed back stage when they finished, I sprinted the length of the corridor leaping onto a sweaty matty. "You rocked it tonight, best show of the whole tour!"
"She ok?" Tom whispered at his mum who nodded "we saw dad talking to security"
"I am still here" I whined yawning
"you've worn yourself out my little Jem"
I smiled and nodded still hugging him "you need a shower you sweaty rock monster!"

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