Max and Emmy day london edition

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"Hey Max you busy today?" I asked him after we'd eaten breakfast.
"Nope, tv appearance got cancelled last night, something about a flood at the studio."
"Good, time for a max and Emmy day!" I announced enthusiastically
"What today?"
"Yep unless you're busy?"
"No, no, where we going?"
"Max I thought we were going to the London eye?" The boys stylist piped up "sorry Em, Max is joining a group of us...."
"I never said I was coming Robin." Max cut her off
"We already got the tickets this morning!"
"Oh, well, I didn't say yes."
"You didn't say no either! You weren't bloody listening again were you!"

"Never mind" I sheepishly retreated, William couldn't stand her, in fact there was a few he kept telling me to keep my distance from saying I should only surround myself with positive people and distance myself from toxic ones.
"No Emmy wait." Max called out "I'm sorry Robin I'm taking Em out for the day, next time check before signing me up for shit, you know you have to double check with me. Gavin mate you fancy going with some of the guys to some tourist thing? My treat." Max called out to his drum tech, who shrugged and nodded "cool sorted. Gavin will take my place, I'll transfer the money to your account later."
"Great" robin rolled her eyes "enjoy your max and Emmy day" she mocked me like I was a small child
"Fuck off and you wonder why I don't want to spend the day with you. Stop being a bitch it don't suit you Robin! Snap out of it already its been months! it's getting boring now. You want me to tell Matty that you're being a bitch to his little sister huh? Thought not. Bye then!"
"Fine whatever, you boys are so boring these days. Too busy babysitting to have fun. She's only interested when jack or that Philip kids not here or when she needs money and attention."
"His names William actually and it's free where I'm taking him so don't need his money" I sassed at her
"Whatever, I'll see you when you get bored babysitting max. You know you'll get bored and come looking for fun, you always do. I've know you long enough, don't count on your new friend hanging around Em he gets bored quickly."

"Ignore her Emmy, she got dumped the day before the tour started and she's been in a pissy mood ever since. She's usually nicer. She's been acting weird the whole tour."
"Hmmm William don't like her."
"He doesn't like anyone"
"Yes he does!"
"Anyway don't take it personal. She's been bitchy to everyone this week, the ex has got a new girlfriend. I think it sent her over the edge. So where we going then?"
"I told you I was going to show you me, well todays the day max weaver! I'm taking you on a whistle stop tour of my sad pathetic life!"
"Emmy I'm confused?"
"Just get your shoes and grab a hoodie, it's england weather is crazy unpredictable! I'll meet you in the foyer in half an hour. You said you wanted to hang out so let's hang out drummer boy. Unless you want to go do the eye with your friends, I don't mind. If I'm boring you."
"Rather pull my own teeth out." Max laughed "stuck in a pod with a dumped woman and her mates complaining about her ex, poor Gavin." He shook his head sarcastically "Tony and Raj are cool but they're chasing Heidi and Zana, I got all the gossip, people just tell me stuff, I don't know why. I'll fill you in. I could never get bored of you Emmy."
"Cool, half an hour don't be late weaver!" I kissed his forehead skipping off merrily.

Max was still utterly confused but did as he was told and I dragged him out of the hotel by the hand, sneaking past the fans and paps. I was giving him a whistle stop tour of my life in London, I didn't have plan I was just winging it, I just felt like I needed to show him for some reason, which is what I told him. I started by showing him the school Matty and I had gone to, a bit boring but still important, it was also where I'd met peter who was a big part of my life, and then the secondary school I had gone to before joining them in Australia where I'd met Tammy and William. I took him to the park where I used to hang out with our little social group, max and I swung on the swings goofily to see who could go higher. He even sat me on his lap to swing me while I told him tales of my friends and felix. I took him to some of the places we used to go underage partying, just the outside, pointing them out, telling him a few more amusing stories.

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