From high to low

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"Finally, some alone time with my sweet boy on my birthday." I straddled William's lap for a cuddle
"Ah so you do need me today then"
"Of course I need you, I want to spend at least some of this day with just you"
"And max"
"I knew you were going to mad at me."
"I'm not, I'm just a bit jealous of him that's all, I'm trying ok, but from now on just tell me, I want you to have what you need." I nodded and kissed him.
"It's a shame this rooms not sound proof or lockable!" I said cheekily. "Cos what I need is you."
"Well that doesn't mean I can't make you feel good on your birthday though does it birthday girl." William whispered seductively, I looked at him confused until I felt his hands between my thighs.

"William, What are you doing the boys are just out there!"
"Shush baby" he pulled my underwear to the side pushing his fingers gently into me, I gasped surprised. I buried my head into his neck while he moved his fingers, he pulled my head into a kiss, smirking at the obvious pleasure plastered on my face. I bit into my fist to stifle the involuntary pleasure noises coming from my mouth, William giggled at me, intensifying his explorations finding every spot he needed to.

"William I can't stay quiet anymore, you need to stop." I ushered into his ear desperately when he started using his thumb to flick my most sensitive area, quickly returning my mouth to my fist.  He removed my hand from my mouth offering up his larger one.
"Use mine baby, it's ok, let go for me, show me how good I make you feel" he whispered into my ear, his low voice and hot breath on my ear was enough to send me over the edge. I scrunched up my eyes tight biting down onto his hand digging my fingers into his shoulder with my other hand, reaching my high. He removed his fingers, then took his hand from my mouth, pulling me into a passionate kiss.

"Fucking hell William, where did that come from!" I giggled
"Why was it ok?" He asked nervously giggling back at me rubbing my hips with his thumbs.
"Yeah it was good william! Really good!" I laughed looking at his hand "did I hurt you?"
"No you're alright" he laughed it off, there was only a small bite mark that was already fading.
"Yours ok?" He asked looking at mine which had more obvious bite marks on it.
"It's fine, I always have teeth marks on my fingers it just blends in." I laughed awkwardly and he kissed me tenderly. "Now what about you" I smirked at him pulling at his belt.
"No jemima, it's your birthday not mine! besides you helped me out on my last visit remember! Still Can't believe you dragged me into that broom cupboard and shoved your hand down my pants!"
"You didn't like?"
"Oh no I liked it, could you not tell! I'm just repaying the favour. I'm sorry we haven't had enough privacy to you know....I miss you, don't think I don't want you baby, because I do. Your brother keeps interrupting us."
"You sure? I can be quick? I got a few more tricks you've not seen yet." I unbuckled his belt
"they'll be coming to check on you any minute, I don't want your brother walking in on you with your hand wrapped around my...." he laughed when he was interrupted by a well timed knock on the door. "Told you so"

"Jem everything ok in there?" Matty asked through the closed door, I laughed at his timing, hoping he hadn't heard me, I doubt he had, I'm sure he would be bursting through the door if he had to stop whatever he thought was going on in here.
"Yes Matty we'll be right out" I called laughing. "well consider this a rain check posh boy, if I remember correctly you enjoyed it last time. You said I was better at it than your ex."
"Jemima!" He giggled pulling me in for another kiss, he was so embarrassed he'd let that slip out on his last trip "well you seemed to enjoy that better than she did, I could never make her climax so I must have improved, shit I did it again, can't believe I just said that." We both chuckled "peter told me about the thumb thing, I'm glad to see it worked. I don't want to know how he knows that as a gay man, he said he read it somewhere, why he felt the need to bloody tell me I have no idea, he texted me at 2am a few weeks back with a did you know text. He sent me a link about oral sex the other day!"
"He's an idiot" I smiled "he over shares all the time, he texted me on Tuesday about his latest conquest, he was a little kinky apparently. I didn't need to know about this dudes intimate piercing."
"Yeah I got that one too."

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