Good example

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The next morning I woke up to William placing soft kisses on my shoulder. "Morning baby" he nuzzled into my ear
"Good morning William." I smiled and rolled over "you sleep good my sweet boy?"
"Yeah I think you wore me out last night" he laughed, I gave him a tap and a smirk. "I love it when you smirk at me" he giggled "Matty's been texting about breakfast."
"I could eat." I shrugged "but first come here." I pulled him into a kiss
"Hmmmm, Do you think Matty could wait, I got a little problem that needs taking care of first?" He rolled on top of me, I giggled and nodded. "You know I never got to you want me to try and.....before we....." he fumbled over his words "I've never......" I smiled shifting my body under him "I want to....taste you" he gulped "I'm not sure how to say it politely."
"Then show me my sweet boy, then make love to me like only you can." I gasped at Williams tongue making contact with me for the first time
"Is this ok?" He looked up at me
"Don't stop" I complained, he laughed returning to his mission.

An hour later we were giddily making our way to breakfast, William unable to keep his hands off me walking along together. We rode the lift down, William kissing me and hugging me all the way to the breakfast room.
"Morning you two, what took you so long we've been texting for ages! We gave up waiting and came down in the end." Ed called us over to the table they were sitting at in a secluded corner.
"Oh Yeah Sorry" William apologised caressing my hips still, nuzzling my hair "We ummm over slept, Sorry." He giggled not looking at them.
"How's the hangover?" Max grumpily asked
"Don't have one" I said cockily plonking myself in a chair taking a slice of toast and munching on it. "Peter will be here in a minute"
"He's up early considering we left him in the club still drinking." Milo observed
"He hasn't been home yet, I think he got lucky." I winked then laughed, William joining me. "He wanted to drop something off or something, or knowing him he just wants to tell me the gory details, he likes to share, like I wanna know where he sticks his....."
"Ok we get the picture, just do it in Spanish so we don't have listen to the details." Tom interrupted me

We ate some breakfast then sat chatting for a while until peter appeared looking a little worse for ware.
"Morning sunshine" I greeted him cheerily
"Oh no no no, I can't handle your peppiness right now" he winced holding his head "I forgot it takes a lot more for you to get paralytic and have a hangover unless your drinking whiskey."
"Nah you're just a light weight!" I teased him "you want some breakfast! Stinky cheese?" I offered
"Shut.up.jemima" he flopped into a chair the boys laughing at him "Seriously boys how awesome is your sister! Did you like her bad ass rock side?"
"Oh my god the way you stood on Felix's table then kicked his drink over him! That was so funny." William laughed, I giggled and went and sat on his lap so he could wrap his arms around me
"The songs were good Em" Tom nodded
"I can't believe you two sang that bloody wastelands songs at them, now that was epic!" Max laughed

I notice Matty hadn't said anything yet, maybe he didn't appreciate the lyrical content.
"After you left Felix had a fight with the brunette and she huffed off! I presume they broke up." Peter laughed sipping on my orange juice "then Aaron had a right go at him after I filled him on what went down between you two, Felix cried like a baby and was begging Tammy to ask you to give him another chance!" Peter and I fell into each other laughing then he winced again holding his head. William started nuzzling into my neck and getting touchy feely.
"He's got no fucking chance, right baby?" William mumbled into my neck then laughed when I nodded bopping his nose.

"So William" Peter patted his knee "you enjoy your dance my friend." He smirked at me.
"Sure" he giggled nervously "I don't think the boys appreciated it though."
"Too bloody right we didn't!" Tom snapped at him which just made peter laugh harder
"No I didn't mean that one William! I meant your private one!" He wiggled his eyebrows smirking at me, William flushed crimson red and then looked at me wondering how peter knew.
"I didn't tell him! I gave him one once though" I winked at William "just to double check he was really gay, it was an experiment."

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