Beautiful angel boy

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I made my way a little worse for wear back to mine and Jem's room to pack up for the last time in a while. It was really good to get out last night and let off some steam, I'm sure tom, milo and even max had bought company back, max disappeared early into our celebrating, I bought an exhausted Ed back to jack's room, he'd fallen asleep a few hours into drinking, I'd got a few numbers and kissed a few girls but didn't want to bring a one night stand back, I wanted to be a good example for Jem, I didn't want her having them, I wanted to lead by example, I was getting older and for the first time I was starting to think it would be nice to have something more permanent or at least long term. I was a little jealous of Ed and his new love interest, he was really smitten and couldn't wait to meet her in the flesh.

"Jem" I knocked when the door hit the chain "Jemima! It's Matty let me in"
"Morning sunshine" Jem skipped over already dressed for the day "you get lucky?"
"Yes and no" I laughed "locked a few lips but nothing else. You okay last night?"
"Yep, watched the queen documentary, it was cool, think you boys would like it. I'm packed up already, I started yours for you."
"Jem" I stopped her looking at her bruised arm "what did you do? You bruising easy again?"
"Oh that, I slipped in the shower, hit it on the side. I'm okay. Think I would have bruised anyway, getting bloods next week anyway Matty aren't I?"
"Yeah I'm coming with you to see that malnutrition specialist." I nodded stuffing things into my case.

"I've cancelled the family meal tonight, couldn't find anywhere suitable. Thought we'd do a get together at the Airbnb instead? More private, less pressure, more casual."
"Can I be in charge of music?" She pointed at me seriously as if negotiating her terms.
"Sure" I giggled at my sisters excited wiggling, tapping instantly into her iPad to make a playlist.
"Can petey come?" She asked not looking up
"Jem no, family night alright we got plenty of time and that goes for William too."
"Williams not here, he's back tomorrow I think, can't remember what he said and Petey is family!"
"Fine" I rolled my eyes caving in "but just peter!"
"Thank you" she pecked my cheek calling peter

"You have been invited to the midnight blue family end of tour get together" she flamboyantly sang down the phone then went into spanish. "Ugh he's being dramatic" she flopped on the bed when she'd finished.
"Why? he not want to come?"
"He says max is a rude ignoramus and he doesn't like him. Max said he'd apologise but he hasn't yet I don't think."
"I'll have a word. He seemed alright with us at the festival Jem? You sure it's not something else? Boy trouble? His grandma?"
"Alright agony aunt" Jem laughed "he's been upset since the house. I don't think he wants a let's sit down and talk about all the shitty heavy topics kinda night. After Max's comment he thinks you all hate him, that you blame him. I told him it wasn't going to be that, it's not that is it Matty, i don't want that either."
"No" I flopped next to her "I don't hate him, at first I was a little confused and angry that he hadn't helped you, I see now that he did, he didn't know everything until after Arthur did he?" She shook her head "even then you skim details to save him from them, like you do me." She shrugged "there were things he could have done differently Jem but same goes for me too. End of the day you're here with me because of him. I'm grateful"
"Thank you, he did what he thought best, what I asked him to do, not always. He did stand up to Steve sometimes you know. I love him Matty, he's my family."

"I said I'd wait to show you with the boys but.....maybe it's not a good idea to spring it on you in front of everyone now I think about it."
"Ah my surprise" Jem rubbed her hands together
"You know!"
"No, I just know I got an end of tour surprise" she cheekily grinned at me
"Okay well, we got matching tattoos" I smiled pulling my sleeve up to show her "for you and for Arthur." I held out my arm to show her the blue butterfly tattoo milo had drawn with Arthur's name entwined subtly into the design "milo drew it for us, for you."
"oh my god I love it Matty" she sat up pulling at my arm to inspect it closely "they all got it?"
"They did, all in different places though. I wanted mine where I could see it when I play guitar."
"can a take a photo to show William, oh and Tammy and peter!" I nodded and held my arm out for her

Keeping JemimaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin