I trusted you to take care of her

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Jem clammed up after the boys interrupted us, I was concerned about our conversation, she was right she was still weak and tired all the time, she looked like she'd gained weight but not much, I thought it would be getting better by now. My thoughts were still troubled by Vanessa and I'd been on the phone to Sandra and Ralph everyday asking advice, hoping I was being paranoid. The fact she said something hurt was worrying me, I wasn't sure if she meant physically or mentally. We were doing a sound check for this evenings show, Jem had come to the venue to spend the day, I hadn't seen her much, she hadn't come to watch us sound check with jack like she normally would while William did some work in the dressing room on his laptop.

"She looks really tired today" Tom commented when we finished sound check
"William said she was up most of the night coughing and wheezing" Ed informed me
"What! Why didn't he tell me" I was annoyed that I hadn't been his first port of call on this
"Matty chill, he was trying to be discreet, she won't admit she doesn't feel well apparently, keeps telling him she's fine and not to tell you. He grabbed me to mention it because I was on my own when we got here, he did say he's been trying to get you on your own to talk about something else but hasn't had the opportunity, it sounded like it was something serious, but it's William he always sounds serious unless he's joking around with Em! I didn't think anything of it, but maybe that was his way of getting me to tell you so you'd go find him, sorry I didn't think or pick up on it at the time."

We dispersed back to the dressing room where I could hear Jem coughing loudly from the corridor, Jack was outside pacing looking worried.
"Matty, something's not right mate, she told me not to get you, but.." I pushed past him into the dressing room, I looked at my sister sitting in her chair huddled in her max blanket coughing away, gasping for air with William fussing over her.
"Jem? What's wrong?"
"I'm fine Matty just a tickle" she wheezed out "how was sound check, it sounded good from here. You doing my favourite again for you surprise number?"
"Don't do that Jem, don't change the subject! Right everyone out now!" I demanded, everyone leaving except William who was lingering over Jem looking nervous "you too William, out!" He sighed loudly and left closing the door behind him.

"Right tell me what's wrong now Jem!"
"Matty I'm fine, just focus on your show"
"Jem you're wheezing" I put my hand on her chest, I could feel her chest rattling "Jem you're sick"
"We know that Matty that's been established!" She tried to joke, laughing just made her gasp for air more "Ok, I'm sick" she started to weep "it hurts Matty, it hurts so bad, I'm scared."
"Your chest?"
"I can't breathe Matty, it hurts" she took some deep breaths, I could tell she was struggling to inhale.
"Right we're getting you checked out"
"Matty you've got a show!"
"Stuff the fucking show you're more important Jem! you should bloody know that by now! I'll leave the boys here if we're not back they can do it with out me ok!"
"Your the bloody front man you dope!" She coughed hard and held her ribs wincing.
"So! Not the first show I've missed Jem. They know what to do. We practice for this, if one of us is sick."

I got up and walked out telling Jack to get the car as quickly as he could. "She's sick boys, it sounds bad, she can't breathe"
"I knew it" William spoke up
"Then you should have said something!" I snapped at him "I'm taking her to get checked out"
"We'll come with you" max said going to get Jem, I put a hand on his arm stopping him
"No max, you need to stay here, hold the fort, can you do the show without me if I'm not back boys? Try delaying the start to give me some more time."
"Yeah of course Matty, Jemima takes priority" Tom put a reassuring hand on my shoulder
"Right I'll try and be back in time. Ask trifire and Starbite to do an extra number each in the warmup, that will give us some more time."
"Keep us updated though Please Matty."
I agreed then went to get Jem telling the boys not to make a fuss knowing Jem wouldn't like it, William went to come with me to fetch her, I was royally pissed off with him.

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