Right next to you

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"Hey" I looked up from my bed to see max standing there "am I cool to come in?" I shrugged and he stepped in shutting the door.
"Where's your tattoo?" I asked intrigued having seen all the boys except Max's. He smirked walking back to the door locking it "what you doing?"
"You wanted to see my tattoo!"
"Yeah, why do you need to lock the door? If it's on your butt I'll be offended!"
"No emmy" he smiled sweetly taking a seat on my bed looking at me a moment before tugging his shirt over his head showing me his chest.
"Wow, I love it" I skimmed my fingers over it then smiled when he nuzzled into me.
"I put it over my heart so when we have heartbeat cuddles it'll be like you're giving Arthur one too. I love his mum, he belongs close to my heart, right next to you" he whispered softly into my ear. I felt a tear roll down my cheek at his sweet words "sorry I didn't mean to upset you" he wiped it away "you want a heartbeat cuddle Emmy?" I nodded and he lay down on my bed letting me snuggle on his bare chest skimming my fingertips over his new tattoo.

We lay in silence for ten glorious minutes until william's face popped up my screen. "Every bloody time" max mumbled annoyed. I hit accept on his FaceTime request.
"Hey my sweet boy"
"Hey baby, I...." he paused looking annoyed "who you with?"
"Oh just max, he was showing me his tattoo. Look isn't it awesome!"
"Hey mate, you alright?" Max asked awkwardly
"Errr yeah, good thanks, I errrr baby?"
"Yeah?" I sat up, max grabbing his shirt putting it on
"You having heartbeat cuddles baby?"
"Yeah, that ok?"
"Of course, I ummm, everything alright? you want me to come over? I just got back. Am I allowed now or is Matty still annoyed with me?"
"Family night dude, he said your bans lifted tomorrow" max called out behind me
"What he said. Peter went home half an hour ago. Miss you, you coming round tomorrow?"
"Yeah I'll be there bright and early baby."

"Mother and father have invited you over next weekend if you're up to it. No grandmother, I promise" he giggled
"I'll ask Matty. Can't wait to see you tomorrow my sweet boy, love you"
"To the moon baby, goodnight. Can't wait either."
"Oh wait Canal boat day and sleepover if you fancy it this week with peters ex, Sam. Then Brighton, Matty's coming."
"Sounds perfect baby. I can drive if you want, father bought me a car. Randomly."
"Of course he did" max mumbled grumpily
"Sports car per chance?" I teased him
"No actually" he laughed "got to buy that myself if I want one. No he bought me a family car. Not sure why, I'm not going to be here often." William rolled his eyes "think he was fed up of me asking to borrow his. might buy a sports car when I'm back in Australia after the orchestra tour, maybe. Anyway I'll let you get back to whatever."
"Not doing much. I'll see you tomorrow, love you bye!"
"Bye baby, love you."

"How does he know every time I'm in your room or when we're alone, I swear he's got one of those nanny cams or has bugged your phone" max complained
"He doesn't he just rings a lot."
"You chucking me out now then?"
"Wasn't planning on it, you leaving?" I cheekily sassed, nudging him
"Wasn't planning on it" he sassed back giving my a playful nudge too, then sighed out loud "i ate too much candy, my butts wiggly" I laughed loudly at his serious tone rolling around, max cracking a huge smile. "You laughing at me or with me?"
"Always with you drumsticks. Candy is your weakness, but I like it when your butt gets all wiggly."
"Thanks, I think."

"I was enjoying my heartbeat cuddle before we were interrupted." He fiddled with my hair mindlessly "I'm not gonna sleep tonight, I didn't want to take my sleep meds incase you needed me."
"You're on sleep meds?"
"Shit" he covered his face "fuck I wasn't supposed to tell you that, Matty's gonna kill me."
"What? Why?"
"After the sleeping pills incident he made me promise not to tell you they were in the house. I have.....I have severe ADHD"
"I know" I smiled at him, he looked at me hesitantly "I've know a while max, so why the sleep meds?"
"I have to take meds for my ADHD, I have to take sleeping ones to counteract them or I can't sleep. I hate taking them, both of them. Shit I wasn't supposed to tell you that either"
"Why not?"
"Because....I don't like talking about it, it's on the new band family rules, you can't tell no one emmy! Not even William or peter, promise me."

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